

词汇 push
释义 push[pʊʃ; puʃ]及物动词
1 推, 推动, 按
(←→ pull)
【同义字】 push 朝一定方向 (通常为前方) 施加压力 shove 用力猛推一下 thrust 是用力快速地推 (入) propel (利用机器力量) 推向前方
We ~ed the stone, but it was too heavy to move.我们推了那块石头, 但它重得推不动
He ~ed the button.他按钮
b. 把…推 (向…) , 推进[出]
Don't ~ me forward.别把我推向前
He ~ed aside his half eaten meal.他把吃了一半的食物推到一旁
He ~ed his chair away from the desk.他把椅子推离桌子
She ~ed the thought out of her mind.她从心里除去那种念头
He ~ed his bicycle up the hill.他推著脚踏车上山
c. 把…推成< …状态>
She ~ed the door open [shut].她把门推开 [关上]
d. 把< 工作等> 推给[某人][on, onto]
~ a task onto a person把工作推给某人
2 a. [~ one's way] (排除障碍物) 推进, 挤
He ~ed his way through the crowd.他从人群中挤过去
b. [~ oneself]推开前进; (积极地) 引人注目地行动, 走到前面
He ~ed himself to the front of the crowd.他推开人群到前面去; 他挤到群众的前面去
He often ~es himself forward.他常爱出风头
3 a. 使 < 物价、失业率等> 上升 [达…] < up> [to]
The slump ~ed up unemployment to 23%.不景气使失业率上升达 23%.
b. 使 < 物价、失业率等> 下降[到…]< down> [to]
4 a. 拼命追求< 目标> , 扩充 < 事业> , 强行< 要求等>
~ one's fortune拼命赚取钱财
He ~es his own interests.他努力促进自己的利益
He ~ed his exploration further.他更进一步地推动他的探险
b. 积极推销< 商品> ; 促进 < 销售>
~ (the sale of) one's goods积极推销商品; 促进商品的销售
c. 支持< 某人> , 支援, 鼓励
He has no supporters to ~ him.他没有鼓励他的支持者
5 a. < 超过速度限制地> 开< 车>
He ~ed his car to over eighty miles an hour.他以每小时超过八十哩的速度开车
b. 驱策< 某人> 使成[…状态], 逼, 迫使[to, into]
~ the nation into war使整个国家卷入战争
His wife ~ed him into writing to his father for money.她的妻子逼迫他写信向他的父亲要钱
c. 迫使< 某人> < 做…> , 驱使
~ a person to enter politics驱使 [力劝] 某人进入政界
d. [~ oneself]迫使自己< 去做…>
You must ~ yourself to answer the question.你必须强迫自己去回答那个问题
6 a. [为求…而]催促< 某人> , 一再地催促< 某人> […事][for]
He is ~ing me for payment.他一再地催促我付款
b. 逼迫< 某人> 使陷于[…状态][to, into]
~ a person to the verge of exhaustion逼迫某人到筋疲力竭的边缘
c. [因没有金钱、时间等而] 使< 人> 困窘[for]
7 [be ~ing +基数] (口语)渐渐接近 < 某阶段的年龄>
Come on! You're ~ing twenty. It's time you found a job.好啦! 你快要二十岁了, 该找个工作了吧
8(俚) (从中斡旋) 秘密出售 < 毒品>
1 推; 推动, 推进, 前进
I ~ed with all my might.我以全力推
Don't ~ from behind.别从后面推
2 一再地要求[…], 强求[for]
They kept ~ing for wage increases.他们一再地要求提高工资
push along
(1)[向…]推进, 前进[to]
(2)(口语)离去, 回去
I must be ~ing along.我必须告辞了
(3) 推进 push around
(口语)粗鲁 [轻蔑] 地对待< 某人> , 任意驱使 push back
(1) 把…往后推 [推回去] , 把< 头发> 拢上去
(2) 使< 敌人> 后退 push in
(1)< 人> 挤进
(2)(口语)插嘴 push off
(1) (乘小舟) 出航
(2)(俚)离去, 离开 push on
(1) 前进, 赶进
(2) 赶路 [工]
(3) 继续[工作等], 继续进行[with]
(4) 激励< 某人>
(5) 鼓励< 某人> < 使做…>
He ~ed me on to complete the work.他鼓励我去完成那件工作
push out
(1) 推出< 船等> ; 推离
(2) 把< 人> 赶出, 解雇
(3) (用小船) 出航 push through
(1) 强行通过< 议案等> ; 使< 人> 挤过, 使< 学生> 及格
(2) (从中间) 挤进去, 推进
(3) < 植物、芽> 从土中长出
1 (C) (一) 推, 按
give a ~推一下
at one ~一推; 一下子
2 [用单数; 常 the ~]推挤力, 压力
3 a. (C)加一把劲, 奋力, 奋发
make a ~(罕)奋发, 加油
b. (U)(口语)气魄, 进取的精神, 精力
He is full of ~.他精力充沛
c. (U)支援, 援助, 后盾
4 (C)‘军’大攻击, 猛攻
5[the ~](俚)解雇
get the ~被解雇
give a person the ~把某人解雇
at a push(英口语)危急时, 临危, 紧急时
if [when] it comes to the push临到紧要关头 [危急] 时




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