

词汇 presumption
释义 pre.sump.tion[prɪ`zʌmpʃən; priˈzʌmpʃn]《presume 的名词》名词
1 (C)
a. 假定, 推测
a ~ of fact‘法律’ (基于已知事实的) 事实的推断
The ~ is that.﹍. 看起来好像是…
b. 假定< 为…> , 推断
On the ~ that he was innocent she took his part.她推断他无罪而袒护[支持]他
2 a. (U)冒昧, 僭越, 厚脸皮
a great piece of ~极为冒昧 [无礼, 放肆] 的事
Please pardon my ~ in writing to you.请原谅我很冒昧地写信给你
b. [the ~]< 做…的> 僭越, 无礼, 厚脸皮; 居然厚著脸皮< 做…>
He had the ~ to criticize my work.他居然厚著脸皮批评起我的作品[工作]来




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