

词汇 pressure
释义 pres.sure[`prɛʃɚ; ˈpreʃə]《press 的名词》名词
1 (U)压, 按, 拥挤[of]
the ~ of a crowd人群的拥挤
2 压力; ‘物理’压力度(符号 P); ‘电学’电压; ‘气象’气压; ‘医’血压
high [low] ~高[低]压
atmospheric ~气压
blood ~血压
3 (U)
a. (令人不舒服的) 压迫感b. 压迫, 压力, 强制
the ~ of the times时势的影响力
under (the) ~ of hunger [poverty]在饥饿 [贫穷] 的逼迫下
4 紧迫, 困苦, 困难
financial ~财政困难
mental ~精神上的苦恼
~ for money缺钱, 手头拮据
5(U)紧急; 匆忙, 繁忙[of]
(the) ~ of work工作的繁忙
put pressure [bring pressure (to bear) ] (upon a person)
(对某人) 施加压力 under pressure
(1) 在压力下, 受到压力 [压迫]
Gases under ~ become liquids.气体受压即变成液体
be [come] under ~ to do﹍被迫做…, 受到压力去做…
He is under ~ from his creditors.他被债权人逼债
(2) (非自由意志而) 被强制地, 被迫地
He did it under ~.他被迫做那件事
(3) 被催赶
1 对…施加压力, 强迫
2 a. 对< 人> 施加压力[使做…], 强迫< 人> [做…][into]
I was ~ed into this work against my will.我被迫违反我的意志担任这件工作
b. 强迫< 某人> < 使做…>
~ a person to obey强迫某人服从




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