

词汇 allow
释义 al.low[ə`laʊ; əˈlau]及物动词
1 允许
(→ let【同义字】)a. 允许, 准许, 许可; 允许…进入
I cannot ~ such conduct.我不能容许这种行为
No animals ~ed.‘告示’禁止动物进入
b. 允许< 做…>
No smoking is ~ed in this Hospitl.这医院禁烟
c. 允许< 人> (往…之方向)
The doorman ~ed me in. (在大厦等) 管理员准许我入内
We are ~ed into the White House.我们被允许进入白宫
d. 允许, 让< 人、物> 做…
The teacher ~ed the susam to be absent.老师准许苏珊请假
A~ me to introduce Mr. Johnson to you.让我把强生先生介绍给您
e. 使< 人> 能够…
The money ~ed him to go abroad.那笔钱使他能够出国
2 a. 给与< 人> < 金钱、时间> ; 给与[人] < 金钱、时间> [to]
Harry ~s his mother 500 dollers a month.哈利每个月给妈妈500美元
b. [~ oneself]沉溺于…, 热中…, 耽于…
He doesn't ~ himself any cigarettes.他在戒烟
c. [对存款] 付< 利息> [on]
What interest is ~ed on fixed deposits?.定期存款的利息是多少?
3 a. 酌留 < 费用、时间等> [供…] [for]
~ 800 dollers for expenses酌留800美元做为经费
We must ~ an hour for changing trains.我们必须酌留一小时以便换车
b. [给…]扣除 < 金额等> , [对…]给予…折扣[for]
We can ~ (up to) 20 percent for cash payment.我们收现款可以打八折
4 a. 承认, 准许, 同意 < 要求、主张等>
The judge ~ed his claim.法官准许他的请求
The facts do not ~ such an interpretation.这些事实不容作此种解释
b. 承认< …一事>
We must ~ that it is true.我们得承认那是真的(cf. 4c)
c. 承认…< 为…>
We must ~ him to be a genius.我们必须承认他是天才.
1 a. 斟酌 [情形等] , 考虑, 体谅[for]
We must ~ for delays caused by bad weather.我们必须考虑到因坏天气所造成的延误
She made the dress larger to ~ for shrinking when it was washed.她考虑衣服洗后会缩水, 把它做大些
b. 考虑 [某人…] [for]
We must ~ for jhim [his] being late.我们必须考虑到他会迟到的可能性
2 < 事物> 容许 [… (的存在) ] , 有[…的]余地[of]
The question ~s of no dispute.这问题毫无争论的余地




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