

词汇 all
释义 all[ɔl; ɔ:l]形容词
1 全部的
a. 全体的, 全部的, 全…的
~ China全中国
~ day [night] (long)终日 [夜]
~ the morning = ~ morning (long)整个上午
~ yesterday昨日一整天, 整个昨天
~ one's life一辈子, 终生, 一生, 毕生
What have you been doing ~ this time?.你一直在做什么?
A the world knows that.全世界都知道这件事
b. 所有的, 一切的, 全部的
~ men所有的人, 人人, 凡是人
in ~ directions向四面八方, 向各方向
in ~ respects (在) 各方面
~ the pupils of this school这学校的全体学生
~ men are equal人皆平等
2 [用以修饰表性质、程度之抽象名词] 所有一切的, 最大的, 最高的 , 尽可能的, 最快的
with ~ speed以最快速度
in ~ truth真正地, 千真万确地
in ~ sincerity诚心诚意地
He made ~ haste to reach home in time.他尽快的赶路以便及时回家
3 只…的, 仅…的 (only)
~ words and no thought只空谈而无思想
There are ~ the facts I know.这是我所知道的事实
4 [修辞的强调语法; 当补语或同位语用]
a. [修饰抽象名词] 非常的
She is ~ kindness.她非常亲切
He is ~ attention.他全神贯注
b. [用以修饰表身体某一部位的名词] 混身是…的, 以全身为…的
She was ~ ears [smiles].她混身在倾听[微笑]; 她聚精会神地倾听 [她满脸笑容]
He was ~ skin and bones.他瘦得皮包骨
5 一切的, 任何的 (any)
The prisoner denied ~ connection with the crime.这囚犯否认和案情有任何关系
beyond ~ doubt毫无疑问
and all that
(1) …什么的, …等等, …及其他各物
He used to take drugs and ~ that.他常服用麻醉药之类的东西
(2) 诸如此类
Very many happy returns of the day, and ~ that.祝你 (福如东海) 寿比南山!
for all… → for of all…
(口语)在众多…中竟然…, 有的是…却偏偏 (要) …
Why do you go to China, of ~ countries?.你为什么那么多国家不去偏要去中国?
1 a. 一切 (事物) , 万事, 万物, 全部
A~ was still.万物寂然无声
That's ~.那就是全部 [就是那样而已]
b. (所…的) 一切
A~ I said was this.这就是我所说的全部
A~ you have to do is (to) send out the letters.你所必须做的就是把信寄出而已
c. [也当同位格用] 全部, 统统
He ate ~ of it. = He ate it ~.他把它全部吃了
A~ the milk was spilt. = The milk was ~ spilt.牛奶全部溢出了
2 a. 大家, 所有的人
A~ were happy.大家都高兴
b. [也当同位格用] 全部的人, 大家
We ~ have to go. = A of us have to go. = We ~ of us have to go.我们大家都必须去
They were ~ happy.他们大家都幸福
I like them ~.我喜欢他们大家
c. [all of the [these, those] …] (美)全部, 全体, 大家
~ of the boys所有的男孩子们
~ of these books所有的这些书
above all → above prep after all → after prep all but → but pron all in all
(1) 大体上, 大致上, 一般而言, 概而言之
A~ in ~, I think he did good job.大致说来, 我觉得他工作做得不错
(2) 全部, 合计
He read the book three times(, ) ~ in ~.那本书他总共读了三次
(3) 最珍惜的, 最爱的
Your are ~ in ~ to me.你是我最心爱的人
all of …
~ of a muddle完全混乱
~ of a tremble混身发抖
(2) 完全地, 足足地,
It's ~ of ten miles.足足有十英哩
all or nothing
(1) < 条件等> 不容妥协的, 不许讨价还价的, 只许全部接受或全部不接受的, 只许回答 Yes 或 No (是或不是) 的
(2) 不成功便成仁的, 孤注一掷的 All out !
(美)请大家 (从车子里出去) 换车! (英)All change!) and all
(1) 其他一切, 等等, 连…都
There he sat, pipe and ~.他坐在那儿, 抽抽烟斗什么的
Mother was sick with flu, and ~.母亲患流行性感冒啦, 又是怎么啦的
and all that以及此类的东西[事情], 等等
Very many happy returns of the day, ~ all that!.祝千秋万福
at all
(1) 全然 (不…) , 一点也 (不…)
I don't blieve him at ~.我完全不相信他
He is not ill at ~.他一点病也没有
(2) 到底, 究竟
Do you believe it at ~?.你究竟相信不相信?
I doubt whether it's true at ~.我怀疑这件事究竟是否真的
(3) 假如, 只要; 即使, 纵然
If you do it at ~, do it well.既然做了, 就要做好
He will eat little, if at ~.他即使吃也吃很少
in all
全部, 合计
That makes [comes to] $ 25 in ~.那总共是二十五美元
once (and) for all →once one and all
统统, 大家, 各个都, 全都
Welcome, one and ~!.欢迎各位 [大家] 光临!
1 完全, 全然, 全部, 尽
be ~ covered with mud全部为泥泞所掩盖
be dressed ~ in white穿著一身白衣服
2 单单地, 专门地, 都
He spends his money ~ on books.他把钱都花在书上
3 益加, 反而
You'll be ~ the better for a rest.你休息一下会更好
4‘运动’双方均, 双方同为
The score is one [fifteen] ~.比数为一比一 [十五比十五] , 得分为双方均得一 [十五] 分
all along → along all at once → once all in
(口语)疲惫不堪, 精疲力尽 (tired out) all one
完全一样的, 没有差别的
It's ~ one to me.这对我而言都是一样 [无所谓]
all out
(1) 全然; 完全
(2) 竭尽全力地; 以全速, 开足马力地
(cf. all-out)
go ~ out to do it竭尽全力做这件事
I'm going ~ out for the championship.我准备全力争取冠军
(3) 精疲力竭的 all over
(1) 完毕, 完全结束
Relax! It's ~ over.放轻松吧, 全部完毕了!
When we arrived at the stadium, the game was ~.当我们到达体育场时, 球赛已经结束了
(2) 遍及…, 到处
~ over the world (= ~ the world over)全世界 (到处)
(3) 到处, 处处
Books are scattered ~ over.书本散的四处都是
(4) 全身, 遍体
I feel hot ~ over.我感到全身都热
(5) 典型, 代表特色的, 完全像
That's Harris ~ over.那就是典型的哈利斯. (哈利斯就是这个样子)
(6) 在整个…上
~ over the desk整个桌上, 满桌上
all right → right adv all that
(口语)那般地, 到那样的地步
The problem isn't ~ that difficult.这个问题没有那么难
all the same → same all the way → way all together → together 3a all told → tell all too → too all up
(英口语)一切完了, 万事休矣
It's ~ up with John, they've caught him.约翰完了, 他们捉到他了
all very well[fine] (, but…)
固然很好, (但是…) , 听[看]起来很好 (但实际上不然)
That's ~ very fine, but I will stand it no longer.那固然很好, 但我已无法再忍受
[one's ~]全部, 全部所有物
He lost his ~.他失去了全部所有物
It was my little ~.它是我仅有的全部财产




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