

词汇 day
释义 day[de; dei]名词
1 a. (U)白天, 白昼, 日间
(←→ night)
before ~天亮前
at the break of ~天亮时
D~ breaks [dawns].破晓, 天亮
in broad ~在大白天
When he awoke it was ~.他醒来时已是白天了
b. 在白天 [日间] (→ days)
2 (C)
a. (二十四小时长的) 一天, 一昼夜; (日历上的) 日(cf. month 1, year 1 a)
in a [one] day一天内
on a sunny [cold] ~在一个晴朗 [寒冷] 的日子
→ lunar day
What ~ (of the week) is it today?.今天是星期几?
The longest ~ must [will] have an end.(谚)长日漫漫终有尽头; “天下无不散之筵席”
b. …日
every ~每日
every other [second] ~每隔一日
one ~ (过去的) 某一天; (未来的) 有一天
one of these (fine) ~s近日内, 不日, 最近的将来
the other ~前些日子, 前几天
some ~ (未来的) 有一天, 他日
any ~任何日子, 随时
(the) ~ after tomorrow后天
(the) ~ before yesterday前天
this ~ week
(英)下星期的今天; 上星期的今天
c. [引导副词子句] (在…的) 那一天
He was born the ~ (that) his father left for Asia.他在父亲赴亚洲的那一天出生
d.‘天文’ (地球以外的) 天体的一日(自转一次所需要的时间)
3 (C) (劳动 [上班] 时间的) 一日, 工作天
an eight-hour ~八小时的工作天
4 [常 D~](U)纪念日, 节日, …日
(on) Children's Day (在) 儿童节
(on) washing ~ (在) 洗衣日
→ Christmas Day, New Year's Day.
5(C)特定日, 日期, 约定的日子
keep one's ~遵守日期, 守约
a. [常 ~s]时代, 时期(cf. year 5)
the present ~现代
at that [this] ~那时候 [目前]
in olden ~s = in ~s of old从前, 已往
in Shakespeare's ~ = in the ~ of Shakespeare在莎士比亚时代
in ~s gone by [to come]在从前 [未来]
in his school ~s在他的求学时代
in the ~(s) of Queen Elizabeth在伊利莎白女王时代
the good old ~s令人怀念的 [美好的] 往昔
these ~s最近, 当今, 现在
in those ~s当时, 那时候, 那时代
men of other ~s从前的人
the best writer of his ~当时最杰出的作家
have seen better ~s曾有过好日子 [黄金时代]
Those were the ~s. (怀念地) 那时候真好 [快乐]
b. [the ~]那时代, 当时; 现代
men of the ~当代名人
the topics of the ~时事性的话题
7 a. (U)[常 the ~, one's ~] (某人) 飞黄腾达的时候, 全盛时期, 黄金时代
She was a beauty in [on] her ~.她年轻时是个美人
→ have one's DAY.b. (C)[常 ~s] (人的) 一生
spend one's ~s in study一生从事研究工作
end one's ~s结束一生, 死
8[the ~]某天的事件; (尤指) 战斗; 胜负, 胜利
lose [win] the ~失败[胜利], 输 [赢]
How goes the ~?.战况如何?
a day after the fair all day (long) =all the day
整天, 终日
He worked all ~ long.他终日工作
all in a[the]day's work any day
(1) → 2 b
(2) = any DAY (of the week) any day (of the week)
(口语)无论什么条件, 无论如何; 无论怎么想[看]
I'd go out any ~ rather than stay at home.无论如何我宁可出去而不愿留在家里
He is a better driver than you are any ~ (of the week).无论怎么看, 他的驾驶技术都比你高明
(as) clear as day
像白昼那样清楚; 很清楚 by day
(在) 白天 [日间]
(←→ by night) by the day
按日 (计算) , 论日 work[pay]by the
~ 按日工作 [付工资] call it a day
(口语)结束 (一天的) 工作 (等) , 今天到此为止
Let's call it a ~ and go home.我们今天到此为止, 回家吧
carry the day
获胜, 成功 (succeed) day about
(英)隔日 (every other day) day after day
一天又一天, 天天, 一连很多天 day and night
= NIGHT and day day by day
日日; 每天 (daily) day in and day out = day in, day out日日夜夜, 一天到晚; 日复一日, 每天 (不间断地) fall on evil days = fall on hard TIMEs from day to day
(1) 一天比一天地, 日益
(2) 逐日, 每日 from one day to the next
一连两天 have a day off
< 上班者等> 休息 [请假] 一天 have a day out
(1) (为游乐等) 出去一天
(2) < 佣人等> (请假) 外出一天 Have a nice day!
希望你过愉快的一天 have one's day
有得意 [走运] 的时候, 有黄金时代
The game has had its ~.这种游戏曾盛极一时
Every dog has his ~.(谚)每条狗都有走运时 (人人都有得意时)
if a day → if make a person's day
(口语)使某人乐一天, 使…大乐
He made my ~ by coming such a long way to see me.他长途跋涉跑来看我, 使我大乐
name the day → name v.t. 2 c not have all day
(口语) (没有时间) 不能担搁
Hurry up. I don't have all day, you know.快一点, 你知道我不能担搁
That'll be the day
(口语.谑)那样就乐了, 那样的事不可信, 怎么可能 the day of reckoning
结帐日; 报应 [受罚] 之日; 认清歹事 [过失] 的时候 (the) time of day → time till [up to] this day
到今天 to a[the]day
一天也不差地, 恰好, 刚好 to this[that]day
直到今天 为止




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