

词汇 hair
释义 hair[hɛr; hɛə]名词
1 a. (U)[集合称]毛; 毛发, 头发; (动物之) 体毛
do up one's ~结发, 梳头
put up one's ~ =put one's ~ up
(女人) 束发, 结髻
put down one's ~解开 [拆散] (呈束发、辫子、髻等之) 头发
→ let one's hair down
wear one's own ~ (头上) 长著自己的头发 (而不是戴著假发)
He had his ~ cut.他 (叫人) 理了发
b. (C) (一根) 毛
I found a ~ [two ~s] in the gravy.我在肉汤里发现一根 [两根] 头发
2 [a ~]
a. 细微 (之物) , 极微, 微小; 微不足道 (jot)
be not worth a ~一文不值
→ by a HAIR, to a HAIR.b. 些微地, 稍微
Retail sales were off a ~ in January.零售 (的销售总量) 在一月份稍微减少
He hasn't changed a ~ in the last ten years.他在最近十年间丝毫没有改变
3 (C)毛状物
4 (C)[集合称为(U)]‘植物’ (生长在叶、茎表面之) 茸毛
5(C)‘机械’ (钟表等之) 游丝, 涡状细发条, 毛状金属丝
→ hairspring. a[the]hair of the dog (that bit one)
用以攻毒之毒, 用以解宿醉喝之一杯酒 by a hair
少许, 一点
win by a ~以毫发之差险胜
by a[the]turn of a hair
险些儿, 差一点儿 get [have (got) ] a person by the short hairs
(口语) (于辩论、争执等) 完全控制某人, 任意操纵 [摆布] 某人, 抓住某人辫子 get ina person's hair hang by a (single) hair
岌岌可危, 千钧一发 keep one's hair on
[通常用祈使语气] (俚)保持镇静, 不慌不忙; 不发怒 let one's hair down
(1)< 女人> 解开头发使其垂下
(2)(口语) (在拘束、乏味之集会等之后) 放轻松 lose one's hair
(1) 头发掉落成秃, 头变秃
(2)(俚)发怒 make a person's hair curl
使人吓破胆子, 使人毛骨悚然 make a person's hair stand on end
使人 (因恐怖) 毛骨悚然 not harm a (single) hair on a person's head
不伤某人一根头发, 经常对人和蔼亲切 not turn a hair
在困境中仍) 镇定, 不动声色, 泰然自若 split hairs
(尤指于辩论等) 作无用之 [极端之] 细微分析, 拘于细节, 作过分的挑剔 tear one's hair
(悲伤或愤怒之余) 扯头发 tear one's hair out
极度地兴奋 [担心] tear a person's hair out
使某人伤心 to a hair
分毫不差地, 精确地 (exactly)
measure the ingredients to a ~精确地量材料




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