

词汇 fool
释义 fool[ful; fu:l]《源自拉丁文“风箱、袋子”的意思; “里面空虚的 (人) ”的意思》可数名词
1 [ (you) ~ 用于呼叫对方] 呆子, 傻瓜
a natural ~天生的呆子
What a ~ he was to leave school!.他辍学真是个傻瓜!
Don't be a ~.别当傻瓜, 别做傻事 [说蠢话]
He was ~ enough to marry her.他娶她真够傻
There is no ~ like an old ~.(谚)老而蠢最蠢
2 (昔日王侯、贵族所豢养的) 弄臣, 小丑
play [act] the ~扮演小丑; 做蠢事, 当傻瓜
3 被愚弄者, 被嘲笑者
→April fool
be the ~ of fate被命运所愚弄
He is no [nobody's] ~.他不是个会受骗的人; 他是个精明的人
4 (俚)
a. 非常喜爱 [爱好] …的人[for]
He is a ~ for sports.他非常喜爱运动
b. …的高手, 狂热者
a skiing ~滑雪狂 [高手]
be a fool for one's pains做徒劳无功 [吃力不讨好] 的事
fool tooneself
(英)好意行事反遭人怨的人 make a fool of﹍
愚弄, 嘲笑< 某人>
My classmates tried to make a ~ of me.我的同班同学企图愚弄我
make a fool of oneself闹笑话, 出洋相
(the) more fool you [him, them, etc.] (我) 认为你 [他, 他们等] 做…是傻瓜
You lent him money? More ~ you; you'll never see it again.你借钱给他了? 你是个傻瓜; 你再也看不到你的钱了
(美口语)愚蠢的, 傻的 (foolish)
1 干傻事; 做滑稽的动作, 戏谑
2 (美)开玩笑
3 无所事事, 游手好闲; 鬼混< about, around>
Don't ~ around [about].不要鬼混
4 (口语)玩弄, 摸弄[…]< about, around> [with]
He wounded somebody when he was ~ing with a gun.他在玩弄枪时 (因走火) 伤了人
1 愚弄< 某人>
2 a. 欺骗< 某人>
He has been ~ing me all the time.他一直都在欺骗我
b. 欺骗< 某人> 取走[…][out of]; 欺骗< 某人> [使做…][into]
She was ~ed out of all her money.她被骗走了所有的钱
He ~ed her into doing the task.他骗她去做那件工作
c. [~ on eself] 欺骗自己; 想错
Don't ~ yourself. She doesn't love you.别欺骗你自己了, 她并不爱你
3 (口语)把 < 时间、金钱、健康等> 花在蠢事上, 浪费< away>
Don't ~ away your time.别浪费你的时间
You could have fooled me!.(美口语)你可能在骗我!, 你在说谎!




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