

词汇 follow
释义 fol.low[`fɑlo, -ə; ˈfɔlou]及物动词
1 a. 跟随…去[来], 跟在…后面; 伴随…
~ a person out [in, home]跟随某人出去 [进入, 回家]
Please ~ me.请跟我来
I ~ed the crowd into the stadium.我跟著群众进入运动场
The doctor was ~ed by a number of nurses.医师后面跟著许多护士
b. 追< 某人等> ; 追赶; 跟踪; 追求
~ an enemy追敌人
We are being ~ed.我们正被跟踪
2 (时间、顺序) 接著…而来; 继起于…之后; 因…而发生 [起]
Summer ~s spring.夏天接著春天而来; 春去夏来
One misfortune ~s another.一件件不幸的事接踵而来; 祸不单行
Economic depression often ~s war.经济不景气常因战争所致
The food was ~ed by wine.喝酒后接著用餐
3 a. 顺著< 道路等> 前进
F~ this street to the first corner.顺著这条街道走到第一个转角处
b. 遵循, 奉行 < 方针、计画等>
~ a course of action遵循行动方针
c. 从事 < 某种职业>
~ the law从事法律工作, 执律师业, 当律师
~ the plow从事农业
~ the sea当船员; 去航海
~ the stage以表演为业; 当演员
4 a. 顺从, 仿照 < 先例、习俗等>
~ the fashion [a custom, precedent]赶时髦 [随俗, 援例]
b. 听从 < 忠告、指导者等> , 服从 < 命令> , 遵守 < 教训> , 仿效, 模仿
~ a person's advice听从某人的忠告
~ the lead of﹍ 照…的榜样
c. 信奉 < 某人的学说、教条、主义>
~ Confucius信奉孔子的学说
5 a. 密切注意, 注视, 目送; 听取, 聆听…
All eyes ~ed the baseball as it cleared the fence.全体观众都注视著那棒球飞过围墙
They ~ed his lecture with great attention.他们聚精会神地聆听他的讲课
b. 感兴趣地注意…, 对…关注
She ~ed his rise to fame with great interest.她密切关注他的声誉高升
c. 听得懂 < 议论、说明等> ; 跟得上, 瞭解…
I don't quite ~ you [what you say].我听不大懂你说的话
1 追随; 跟著去[来]; 继之而来, 跟在后, 伴随
F~ after me.跟我来
We ~ed close behind.我们紧跟在后面
2 a. 继起, 跟[接]著发生
No one knows what may ~.没有人知道接著会发生何事
b. 紧跟在…的后面; 由…的结果而起[发生][on]
His death ~ed close on his failure.他失败后不久即死亡
3 a. 发生为当然的结果, 产生后果
That does not always [necessarily] ~.事情未必都有那样的结果; 那样的后果未必都会发生
b. [由…推断] 结果当然是…[from]
From this evidence it ~s that he is not the murderer.由这项证据推断, 他当然不是凶手
Just because he is poor, it does not ~ that he is unhappy.只从他贫穷这一点不能断定他就不快乐
4 模仿, 仿效
5 懂, 理解
He spoke so quickly (that) I couldn't ~.他说得那样快所以我听不懂
as follows 如下
His words were as ~s.他所说的话如下
follow about[around]
] 到处跟著< 某人>
His dog ~ed him about.他的狗到处跟著他
follow on
(1) 中断片刻后继续
(2) (结果) 发生 < 某情况>
follow out
贯彻…, 彻底实行…, 把…做到底
He ~ed out his orders to the letter.他严格地彻底执行命令
follow through
(1) (高尔夫、网球、棒球等) 击出球后乘势将球杆 [球拍, 球棒] 挥到底, 完成弧形的挥棒 [杆] 动作
(2) 把…贯彻到底 follow up
(1) 追究…到底, 严加追踪, 紧追…
He ~ed up the subsequent history of the patients.他追踪调查病人随后发生的情况
(2) (乘机, 趁势把…) 干到底; [用…]追击…, 对…落井下石[with, by]
~ up a blow with a kick给予一击再踢上一脚
to follow
(当作) 下一道菜




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