

词汇 catch
释义 catch[kætʃ; kætʃ](caught[ekt; k:t])及物动词
1 a. (追) 捕, 捕捉, 逮捕
~ a thief逮捕小偷
Cats ~ mice.猫捉老鼠
He has been caught several times for speeding.他因超速已被抓了好几次
【同义字】 catch 捉人、物 capture 排除抵抗、困难后捕捉 trap 利用陷阱捕捉
b. [用陷阱、网等] 捕捉[…][in]
The rat was caught in a trap.那只老鼠被捕鼠器 [陷阱] 捉住了
2 a. (在中途) 接住 < 被扔出的东西>
~ a ball接住球, 接球
b. 接住球使< 打击者> 出局< out>
3 a. (突然或用力地) 抓住, 握住< 手脚等>
She caught his one in the eye.她在他眼睛上打了一下
b. 抓住< 某人> [手脚等] [by]
~ a person by the arm抓住某人的手臂
He caught me by the collar.他抓住我的衣领
4 a. 撞见< 某人> < 在做…>
I caught the boy stealing fruit from our orchard.我撞见那个男孩在偷我们果园里的水果
You'll never ~ me doing that!.(美口语)你绝对看不到我做那种事 ! 我决不做那种事!
b. 发现< 某人> (在做…) ; < 某人> (在做…时) 突然被发现 [撞见]
He was caught in the act.他当场被捉住 [是现行犯]
Mother caught me just as I was leaving the house.我正要出门时突然被我母亲撞见
5 a. < 钉子、衣服等> 钩住, 缠住, 绊住
A nail caught her dress.钉子钩住她的衣服
b. 把…挂在 [钉子上] ; 使…绊 [缠] 住[衣服], 使…夹在 [二物之间] [on, in, between]
She caught her coat on a hook.她的外套给 (钩子) 钩住了
I caught my foot on a leg of the table.我的 (被桌) 绊到了
He caught his fingers in the door.他的手指被门夹到了
My bicycle got caught between two cars.我的脚踏车被夹在两辆汽车之间
6 a. 著< 火>
Paper ~es fire easily.纸容易著火
b. 感染 [罹患] < 疾病>
~ (a) cold感冒
~ a disease (因感染而) 患病
7 a. < 暴风雨等> 袭击< 人>
We were caught in a shower.我们遇到骤雨 [为骤雨所困]
b. 突袭
~ the enemy unawares冷不防地突袭敌人
8 a. < 掉落物、打击等> 击中< 某人> [身体的某部位][on, in]
A stone caught me on the nose.石头打中了我的鼻子
The bullet caught the captain in the throat.子弹射中了队长的喉咙
b. 给予< 某人> < 打击> ; 给予< 某人> [打击][with]
I caught him one on the jaw. = I caught him on the jaw with an uppercut.我以上钩拳打了他的下巴一拳
9 来得及, 赶上
(←→ miss)
~ the train [bus]赶上火车[公共汽车]
~ the mail [post]赶上收邮件的时间
10 a. 引起 < 人的注意等>
Beauty ~es the eye.漂亮的东西引人注目
The lady tried to ~ my attention.那位女士想要引起我的注意
b. 吸引< 视线>
I couldn't ~ the waiter's eye for some time.有一阵子我无法吸引服务生的视线 [我不能使服务生注意到我]
11 a. 听懂, 了解, 领悟
I could not ~ what he said.我听不懂他说什么
b. < 感觉> 感受到
He caught the smell of something burning.他闻到有东西烧焦的气味
→catch GLIMPSE of.不及物动词
1 a. 想抓住[…][at]
A drowning man will ~ at a straw. (谚)即将溺毙的人连一根草也想抓住(慌不择路)
b. (迫不及待地) 抓住[机会], 接受[提议][at]
~ at a good chance抓住一个好机会
2 a. < 锁等> 锁住
Did the lock [anchor] ~?.锁 [锚] 锁牢 [钩住] 了吗?
b. 挂[在…上]; 绕 [绊, 缠] 上[…][on, in]
My sleeve has caught on a nail [in the door].我的袖子被钉子钩住 [被门夹住] 了
3 a. 著< 火> ; < 东西> 著火, 烧著
The flames caught the adjoining house.火延烧到隔壁
Tinder ~es easily.火绒 [火种] 容易著火
b. < 引擎等> 起动, 发动
It took several minutes before the engine caught.隔了好几分钟引擎才发动起来
catch it [常用于未来式] (口语)挨骂, 受罚
You'll ~ it from your teacher.你会受到老师的责骂
catch on
(1) 受欢迎, 流行, 风行
The play caught on well.那场戏很快受到欢迎
(2) 明白[…的]意思, 领会[…][to]
I don't ~ on to what you're driving at.我不明白你想要做[说]什么
catch out
(1) → v.t. 2b
(2) 看出 [发觉] < 某人> 的错误, 使< 人> 无法回答问题
John was caught out.约翰的错误被发觉了
The examiner tried to ~ the students out with a difficult question.考试官企图以难题考倒学生们
(3) 识破 [看出] < 某人> [虚伪, 谎言等] [in]
The policemanr caught Eddie out in a lie.警察识破艾迪的谎言
catch up
(1) 急忙拿 [举] 起…
She caught up her purse and ran out.她急忙拿起手提包跑出去
(2) 追上< 某人>
He has gone so far we cannot ~ him up.他已走得那么远, 我们追不上
(3) 使< 人> 热衷[于…], 使< 人> [对…]入迷; 使< 人> 受到[…的]感染
We were caught up in the excitement of the crowd.群众的激动情绪感染了我们
(4) 把< 人> 卷入 [事件等] [in]
He was [got] caught up in a bribery scandal.他被卷入受贿丑闻
(5) 追上, 赶上[…][with]
Go on ahead. I'll soon ~ up (with you).你先走, 我很快会赶上 (你)
We cannot ~ up with fast increases in the cost of living.我们无法赶上生活费用的飞速上涨
(6) 赶 [追] 上 [落后的工作等] [on]
I caught up on my homework during my vacation.我在休假期间把落后的家庭作业赶上了
1 a. (C)捕捉; 接球
take a fine [nice] ~漂亮地接球
miss a ~漏接球
b. (U)接球练习
play ~玩接球游戏
2 (C)捕获物; 渔获量
(get) a good [fine, large] ~ (of fish)
捕获大量 (的鱼) , 渔获量甚丰
3 (C)(口语) (结婚的) 好对象, 意外找到的好东西
4 (C)挂钩, 锁环, 把手
the ~ of the door门的挂钩
the ~ on a suitcase旅行箱的钩环
5(C) (声音) 哽塞, 哽噎
He spoke with a little ~ in his voice.他有点哽塞地说
6(C)(口语) (引人上当的) 陷阱, 圈套, 诡计
There's a ~ to this question.这个问题有诈 [容易答错]
7(C)‘音乐’轮唱; 片段
~es of a song一首歌的几个片段
1 有陷阱的 [有诈的] < 问题等>
2 引起兴趣的
a ~ line引人注意的宣传词句 [标语]




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