

词汇 better
释义 bet.ter[`bɛtɚ; ˈbetə]《good, well 的比较级; 与 good 属于不同字源; cf. best; ←→ worse》形容词 (←→ worse)
1 [good 的比较级] (比…) 更好的; (在两者中) 较优的, 较佳的
one's ~ feelings人的本心, 良心
→ better half
against one's ~ judgment违心地; 虽然以为不妥; 以为不妥而仍…
It's ~ than nothing.聊胜于无; 总比没有好
He has seen ~ days.他 (虽然现在落魄) 曾经风光一时
So much the ~!.这样更好; 这样好极了
B~ late than never.(谚)迟做总比不做好, 亡羊补牢不算晚
It is ~ to suffer than to lie.宁可受苦不撒谎
Nothing could be ~. = It couldn't be ~.再好没有了
2 [well 的比较级]
a. (病情、身体上的感觉等) (较…) 为佳的
I am no [a little, much] ~ today than yesterday.我今天比昨天毫无好转 [稍微好些, 好得多]
" Are you feeling ~ today?" - " Yes, a bit [a little] ~, thank you." .“你今天感觉好些吗?”“稍微好些了, 谢谢”
b. < 人> (在病后) 康复的
She is completely [quite] ~ now and can play baseball.她现在已完全康复, 可以打篮球了
be better than one's word
做的比原先答应的好 be the better for﹍
因…反而更好 [反而有利]
I'm none the ~ for it.我并没有因此而改善 [有所好转]
no[little]better than﹍
简直是…, 与…无异, 只不过是…
He is no ~ than a thief.他与小偷无异 [简直是小偷]
no better than one should [ought to] be
(古.委婉语) (尤指) < 女人> 行为不检的, 淫荡的 not (any) better than
不比…更好, 再好也只不过是…
He isn't ~ than a beggar.他比乞丐好不了多少
the better part of﹍
…的大部分, …的大半
He spends the ~ part of his earnings on dress.他把大部分收入花在治装上
[well 的比较级]
1 …得 (比…) 更好, 更好地
He did it ~ than I.他做得比我更好
They are ~ avoided.最好避开他们 [不与他们为伍]
The sooner, the ~.愈早愈好
2 a. …得更多, 更多地, 多过
I like this ~ than that.与那个相比我更喜欢这个 [喜欢这个甚于那个]
He is ~ known abroad than at home.他在国外的名气比国内大
b. (比…) 更充分地, 更完全地, 更好好地
You are ~ able to do it than me.你能做得比我更好
3 [~than﹍, 后与数词连用] 多于…, 超过…, …以上
~ than two miles超过两哩, 两哩多
(all) the better for﹍
由于… (反而) 更好 [更多]
I like her (all) the ~ for it.由于那样, 我反而更喜欢她
be better off
景况更佳, 生活更富裕 had better[hd`bt; hd'bet]do﹍
最好 know better (than to do)
不会笨到做....的地步 know no better
1 [用单数]较佳之事 [物, 情形]
a change for the ~ (病、情况的) 好转, 改善; (人的) 升迁
Can you think of a ~ ?.你能想到更好的吗?
2 [one's ~; ~s] 比自己更好的
one's (elders and) ~s长辈
Be obedient to your ~s.要听从长辈的话
for better (or) for worse = for better or worse
不论好运与坏运, 不论是好是坏
Einstein fathered the atomic age, for ~ or for worse.爱因斯坦开创了原子时代, 是福是祸难料
get[have]the better of﹍
占…的上风; 胜过, 击败< 人>
Curiosity got the ~ of him.他克制不住自己的好奇心
1 改良, 改善, 改进 (improve)
~ working conditions改善工作条件
2 优于…, 胜过 (excel)
~ one's previous record刷新记录
3 [~ oneself]
a. 获得更佳职位 [薪津] , 晋升; 生活变得富裕b. 充实自己不及物动词
变得更好, 获得改良 [改善, 改进]




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