

词汇 ebb
释义 ebb[ɛb; eb]名词
1 [the ~]退潮, 落潮
(←→ flood, flow)
on the ~退潮, 落潮
The tide was on [at] the ~.潮水正在退落.
2 [用单数]减退, 衰退 (期)
His influence is on the ~.他的影响力逐渐在衰退
Public confidence in the President is at a low ~.民众对总统的信心在减退
the ebb and flow
(1) [潮水的] 涨退; 潮汐[of]
the ~ and flow of the sea海水的涨落
the ~ and flow of life人生的盛衰 [变幻]
1 < 潮> 落, 退< away>
(←→ flow)
2 < 力量等> 减弱; < 财产等> 减少< away>
His life was ~ing away.他的身体逐趋衰弱
ebb back
恢复, 重振
His fortune ~ed back again.他的运气又来了




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