

词汇 eat
释义 eat[it; i:t](ate[et; eit]; eat.en[`it; 'i:tn])及物动词
1 a. 吃< 东西>
Do you have something to ~?.你有可吃的东西吗?
These berries are not good to ~.这些莓子不好吃 [不适于食用]
b. (用汤匙) 喝 < 汤等>
~ soup喝汤
c. 以…为主食
Cows ~ grass and grain.牛以草和榖物为主食
d. 吃…
The Eskimos ~ fish raw.爱斯基摩人生吃鱼
e.[~ oneself]吃 < 成某状态>
He ate himself ill [sick].他吃得生了病
2 a. < 害虫等> 蛀蚀< 木材等> , 蛀蚀 < 衣类> 成 < 小洞> < away, up>
Moths have eaten holes in my wool coat.蛾已经在我的羊毛衫上蛀蚀了一些小洞
b. < 酸等> 腐蚀< 金属等> < away, up>
This acid ~s (away) metal.这种酸会腐蚀金属
c. < 火> 烧光 < 森林等> < away, up>
The woods were eaten (up) by the fire.那座森林被火吞噬了
d. < 海水等> 侵蚀 < 土地、岩石等> < away, up>
The waves are ~ing away the cliff.浪潮侵蚀著悬崖
3 [be ~ing] (口语)使< 人> 焦躁, 困扰
What's ~ing you?.什么事使你焦躁不安?
1 吃东西, 吃饭
~ and drink吃喝, 饮食
~ regularly有规律地吃饭
~ in = ~ at home在家吃饭 [用餐]
~ out在外面吃饭, 外食
He ~s well.他吃得好
Where shall we ~?.我们要在哪里吃饭 ?
2 a. < 食物> 被吃
~ well吃起来可口, 最好 [最适合] 吃的时候
It ~s like beef.它吃起来像牛肉
b. < 食物> (吃起来) 有…味道
This beef ~s tender.这牛肉吃起来很嫩
3 a. 侵入; 腐蚀[into, through]
Road salt ~s into the metal of automobiles.道路的盐分会腐蚀汽车的金属
A good saw will ~ through a two-by-four in nothing flat.一把好锯子可以很快锯断 2 X 4 的木材
b. 消耗 [财产等] [into]
~ into one's savings开始动用储金
eat of ﹍
(文语)参加 < 筵席> ; 吃少许… eat up
(1) 吃光, 食尽
(2) → v.t. 2
(3) [be eaten up] 充满著[with]
She was eaten up with hatred and jealousy.她心中充满憎恨与嫉妒
(4)(俚)主动接受, 照单接受
She ~s up everything he says.她完全相信他所说的一切
(5) 吃光
[~s](口语) (立即可吃的) 食物; 用餐
How about some ~s?.吃点东西如何?




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