

词汇 ear
释义 ear[ɪr; iə]名词
1 (C)
speak in a person's ~对某人讲悄悄话
the external [middle, internal] ~外 [中, 内] 耳
reach [fall on, come to] one's ~s耳闻, 听到
A word in your ~.附耳跟你说句悄悄话
If your ~s burn, someone is talking about you.如果你耳朵发烫, 就是有人正在谈论你
b. 外耳, 耳壳
pull a person by the ~拉某人的耳朵
prick up one's ~s = keep one's ~s open竖起耳朵听, 注意倾听
2 a. (C) 听觉, 听力
a keen [nice] ~敏锐的听力
b. [用单数]分辨声音的能力[for]
have a good [no] ~ for music能 [不能] 欣赏音乐
3 [用单数]倾听, 注意听
bend an ~ (to﹍) 倾听
catch a person's ~引起某人的注意, 使人倾听
have [gain, win] a person's ~受到某人的注意, 获得某人 (善意的) 倾听
lend an [one's] ~ to﹍ 倾听…, 注意听…
4 (C)耳状物
a. (水壶等的) 把手b. (钟等的) 耳 be all ears(口语)凝神倾听, 专注地听 bend a person's ear
(美俚)把人当作聊天的对象, 和感兴趣的某人交谈; 絮絮不休令人生厌 by ear
不看乐谱地, 凭听觉记忆
play [sing] by ~不看乐谱演奏 [歌唱]
can not believe one's ears
不相信自己听到的事, 不认为是真实 easy on the ear
(口语)听起来很不错的, 中听的 falldown about a person's ears
< 组织、新计画等> 完全泡汤, 瓦解 fall on deaf ears
未被听取, 被漠视, 未受注意
His warning fell on deaf ~s.他的警告受到漠视
from ear to ear
张著大嘴, 咧著嘴
smile from ~ to ~咧著嘴微笑
give ear to ﹍
(文语)倾听… go in (at) one ear and out (at) the other
(口语) < 忠告、谣言等> 左耳进右耳出, 记不住, 毫无效果 have[keep]an[one's]ear to the ground
留意社会的动向 [舆论] ; 留心可能发生的事 out on (one's) ear
(俚)< 人> 突然被革职 [退学, 开除]
He was kicked out on his ~.他突然被革职
pin back one's ears
(英口语)注意听 play it by ear
(口语)临机应变(cf. by EAR) set ﹍ by the ears
使< 人> 不睦 [失和] set a person on his ear
(口语)使< 人> 兴奋[生气] turn a deaf ear to ﹍
对…充耳不闻, 完全不听
She turned a deaf ~ to my proposal.她对我的求婚置若罔闻.
up to (one's) ears
(1) 深陷于 [恋爱、阴谋、债务] 中[in]
(2) [因告贷而] 债台高筑, 负债累累[in, with] wet behind the ears
(俚)年轻而无经验的, 天真的, 幼稚的




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