

词汇 disappointed
释义 dis.ap.point.ed[ˌdɪsə`pɔɪntɪd; ˌdisəˈpɔintid]形容词(more ~; most ~)
1 a. 失望的, 沮丧的, 失意的
a ~ man失意的人
her ~ suitor被她拒绝的求婚者
b. < 希望、期待等> 落空的
a ~ hope落空的希望
2 a. [对…]失望的 [at, in, with, about]
(cf. disappoint 1)
I'll try to do better so that he won't be ~ in me.我要努力做得更好, 免得他对我失望
He was very [very much, much] ~ with the result.他对结果大失所望
He was ~ at not being invited.他因未被邀请而沮丧
She was ~ in love.她失恋了
They were ~ about the election results.他们对于选举结果感到失望
b. < …而> 失望的, 沮丧的
I was ~ to learn that he was away from home.我得知他不在家而感到失望
c. < 对…事> 沮丧的, 失望的
She was ~ that he should have failed her in that way.他竟会那样辜负她, 她很失望
3 […]落空的[of]
He was ~ of his purpose.他的指望落空了 [他因达不到目的而沮丧]




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