

词汇 judge
释义 judge[dʒʌdʒ; dʒʌdʒ]名词
1 [常 J~] (C)审判官, 推事
a preliminary [an examining] ~初审推事
the chief ~首席推事, 法院院长
a J of the High Court(英国的) 高等法院推事
2 (C) (竞赛、辩论会等的) 裁判; 评审员
Mr. A was a ~ at the Cannes Film Festival. A.先生担任了坎城影展的评审员
3 (C)识货者, 鉴识家
He is no [a poor] ~ of art.他没有 [不大有] 鉴赏艺术的眼光
He considered himself a good ~ of people [character].他自以为很会看人 [人品]
a. (C)审判者, 士师b. [Judges; 当单数用] 士师记(圣经旧约中一书 (The Book of Judges) ; 略作 Judg.) (as) grave as a judge
非常威严 (as) sober as a judge
极为严肃 [冷静, 认真]
1 a. 审判, 审理; 裁决, 判决
~ a case审理诉讼案件
Only God can ~ man.只有上帝能审判人
b. 判决…< 为…>
The boys were ~d guilty by the family court.那些少年被家事法庭判决为有罪
c. 批评 [谴责, 抨击] < 某人>
2 a. 审判; 评审, 鉴识, 评判
~ a race [contest]担任赛跑[比赛]的裁判
Who will ~ the dogs at the contest?.在比赛会中谁来评审那些狗?
b. 判定…< 为…>
She was ~d " Miss America. " .她被选为美国小姐
3 a. 判断, 估计
It is difficult to ~ character.要判断人品是困难的
b. [根据, 由…] 判断, 估计[by, from]
~ a person by his looks [from his accent]以貌 [从口音] 取[判断]人
c. 判断, 估计 [为…数值] [at]
We ~d the altitude of the helicopter at a hundred feet.我们估计那直升机的高度为一百英尺
d. 猜测, 认为, 判断
He ~d it better to put off his departure.他认为延期起程较好
I ~d her (to be) about forty.我猜测她是四十岁左右
e. 猜测, 认, 判断< 为…>
I ~ (that) he was wrong.我认为他错了
f. 判断, 鉴定< 是否…>
I cannot ~ whether he is honest or not.我无法判断他是否诚实
It is difficult to ~ what to do in such circumstances.在这种情况下要判断该做什么是困难的
1 审判; 判决
2 裁判; [在…]担任评审 [裁判] 员[at]
Mrs. White will ~ at the flower show.怀特夫人将在花展中担任评审
3 a. 下判断
be quick to ~判断迅速
b. [就…]下判断[of]
Don't ~ of a man by his education.不要以教育程度判断一个人
c. (根据判断) 分辨[决定] [两者间的] 优劣[between]
We must ~ between two applicants.我们必须在两名报名者中选一名
judging from [by]由…看来
Judging from what you said, he must be a very good man.从你的话判断, 他一定是个很好的人




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