

词汇 bring
释义 bring[brɪŋ; briŋ]及物动词(brought[brt; br:t])
1 带来 (某处) , 携来
【同义字】 fetch 是去拿来 take 是从某处携往他处
a. 带< 东西> 来给< 人> ; 带< 东西> 来[给人][to, for]
She brought me the roses.她带玫瑰花来给我
Please ~ me one.请带一个给我
b. 带< 人> 来 (某地方)
He brought his wife to the party.他带太太来参加聚会
B~ him here with you.带他一起来
Pilate brought Jesus out before the people.比拉多将耶稣带到众人前面来
2 a. 造成, 引起, 招致, 带来
The winter brought heavy snowfalls.那年冬天带来了 [下了好几场] 大雪
b. 给…招致 [带来, 造成] …; [给…]招致 [带来, 造成] …[to]
The benign weather brought North America a bumper crop.温和的气候给北美带来大丰收
He ~s bad luck to anybody he comes in contact with.凡是跟他接触的人都会倒楣
The bad smell brought tears to my eyes.这难闻的味道使得我眼泪直流
c. [给…]带来 [造成] …[into, on, upon]
The brisk walk brought a little color into Grandmonther cheeks.快步行走使得她祖母的面颊微微泛红
We must not ~ mass destruction on ourselves by waging an atomic world war.我们千万不要发动世界核子战争而自招集体毁灭
3 a. < 事物> 引< 某人> 来 (某处)
What ~s you here?.你来这里有什么事 [什么风把你吹来] ?
An hour's walk brought us to our destination.走了一小时之后, 我们到达了目的地
b. 使< 人> < 做…>
The telephone call brought him hurrying to the office.电话使他急忙赶到办公室 [他接到电话, 赶紧到办公室]
4 a. 使… [至某种状态] [to, into]
→ bring﹍to LIFE
~ a car to a stop把车子停下来
~ a war to an end结束战争
~ the police into the matter使警方介入此事
~ business and government into a harmonious relationship使官商关系和谐
→ bring﹍into BEING, bring﹍into LINE.b. 影响< 人> < 去做…> , 诱… < 致…> , 使…< 做…> , 说服
He wondered what brought her to see him.他想知道是什么事使她想和他见面
c. [~ oneself]使自己< 做…>
I could not ~ myself to believe it.我无法使自己相信这件事
5[对…]提起 < 诉讼、控告等> , 兴起, 提出, 举出[against]
He brought a charge against me.他控告我
She brought a slander suit against him.她控告他诽谤
6 a. < 物> 能产生 < 收入、利益> ; 能卖得, 能换得 < 多少钱>
The products of her dairy were ~ing the highest prices in the market.她的制酪场的产品在市场能卖最高价格
b. 使< 人> 赚取 < 收入> , 使…赚得…
His pictures ~ him 20, 000 a year.他的画使他每年赚进两万英镑的收入
bring about
(1) 引起, 造成, 招致, 导致
Nuclear weapons may ~ about the annihilation of man.核子武器可能招致人类的灭亡
(2)‘航海’使< 船> 转向 bring around
(1) 使< 人> 复苏, 使…清醒, 使…恢复知觉 [精神健康 (等) ]
The smelling salts brought her around.嗅盐使她苏醒过来
A hot coffee will ~ you around.热咖啡会使你恢复精神
(2) 说服< 人> 使其接受 […的意见] , 使…信服[…][to]
They tried to ~ me around to their point of view.他们试图说服我接受他们的观点
(3) 带< 人、物> 来[…][to]
(4) = BRING about (2) bring back
(1) 为…带 [携] 回…; 将…归还[给…][to]
I'll ~ you back the book tomorrow. = I'll ~ the book back to you tomorrow.我明天会把书还给你
(2)[使人]记起 < 往事> , 忆起, 想起[to]
Your words ~ back many memories.你所说的话令人想起许多往事
The letter brought it all back to her.那封信使她想起了 (那事的) 全部情况
(3) 使< 人> 恢复 [健康状态] [to]
The change of air brought him back to good health.易地疗养使他恢复了健康
bring down
(1) 卸下< 物>
(2) 击落 < 飞机等> ; 打下< 鸟等> ; 射倒 < 猎物等>
I brought down the lion at a shot.我一枪射倒那只雄狮
(3) 打倒 < 政府、人等> , 使…垮台
~ down the government打倒政府
(4) 降低< 物价等> ; 向 < 商人> 杀价[到…], 使…降价[to]
~ down prices降低物价
~ unemployment down to 3%使失业率降到百分之三
~ a salesman down to a lower price向销货员杀价 [使推销员同意减价]
(5) 将 < 历史记录> 延续 [到后代] [to]
The history has been brought down to modern times.其历史延续到现代
(6) 招惹 < 灾祸等> [到…]; 使< 怒气等> 落于[…][on, upon]
~ down a person's anger on one's head使某人的怒气发泄到别人身上
(7)(俚)使< 人> 沮丧, 贬低 bring forth
(1) 生产, 致生; 结 < 果> , 萌 < 芽> , 开< 花>
April showers ~ forth May flowers.(谚)四月的骤雨会带来五月的花
(2) 提出, 引起< 问题等> bring forward
(1) 提出 < 议案、问题等> ; 举出 < 证据>
~ a matter forward at a meeting在会议上提出一个问题
(2) 将…的日期[时间]提前[到…][to]
The meeting was brought forward to ten in the morning.会议被提前到早上后十时举行
(3)‘簿记’将< 数字> 转移至次页
(4) 将< 钟表> 拨快 bring﹍home to a person
→ home adj bring in
(1) 引进, 采用 < 新型等>
(2) 提出< 议案等> ; 邀请 < 协助者、顾问> 参加
~ in some experts邀请几位专家参加
(3) 使< 人> 赚进 < 利益、利息> , 产生
(4) 介绍 < 新会员等> (入会)
(5) 收割< 农作物> , 收获
His lands ~ (him) in 100, 000 pounds a year.他的地每年 (使他) 赚进十万英镑
This deposit account ~s (me) in 5% per cent.这种定期存款可 (使我) 赚得五分五厘的利息
(6) < 陪审团> 宣布< 判决> , 宣判
~ in a verdict of guilty [not guilty]宣判有罪 [无罪]
(7) 逮捕, 约谈, 拘提< 人> bring off
(1) (自遇难船等) 拯救< 人>
The climbers were brought off by the rescue party.登山者被救难队拯救 [救出] 了
(2)(口语)圆满地达成, 成就, 完成< 事业等> (carry out)
The writer has brought off a signal success with his latest book.那位作家以他最新著作获得大成功 [因发表了最新著作而一举成名]
(3) < 母鸡 (等) > 孵 < 小鸡 (等) > bring on
(1) 惹来, 引起, 导致< 疾病等>
(2) 使 < 农作物等> 发育 [成长]
(3) 介绍< 演员等> 登场
(4) 增进…的学力 [技术] , 促成 < 进步等>
More practice will ~ on your piano. = More practice will ~ you on in tennis.如果勤加练习, 你的网球球技会进步
bring out
(1) 将< 人、物> 带出
(2) 使 < 颜色、性质等> 显现, 使…明显
The dress ~s out the black of her eyes.那件衣服 (的衬托) 使她的黑眼睛更加显眼
(3) 发挥, 引出, 诱导 < 真正价值、特徵等>
A crisis ~s out the finest in people.危机使人们最好的潜能得以发挥; 危急关头能把人们最优良的品质发挥出来
(4) 使< 花> 开
The warm weather has brought out the cherry blossoms.温和的天气使樱花开了
(5) 使< 人> 不害羞 [怕生] , 使…不怯场; 初次引荐 < 女儿> 参加社交活动
(6) 出版< 书籍>
His new book will be brought out next week.他的新书将在下周出版
(7) 制造, 推出, 发售 < 新产品等>
(8) 使 < 劳工> 罢工 bring over
(1) 将< 人、物> (自远处) 带来
(2) 说服< 人> 转向 [不同意见、运动等] , 使…改变 [立场、宗教等] [to]
~ a person over to a cause说服某人参加 [赞同] 某种运动 [事业]
(3)‘航海’将< 帆> 转向 bring round
= BRING around bring through
(1) 使< 人> 度过[脱离] < 困难、疾病等>
Patience brought them through the difficulty.耐心使他们 [他们凭耐心] 度过了困难
(2) 救活< 病人> , 使< 病人> 获救
He was brought through by his wife's patient nursing.他靠他太太的耐心看护而获救 [保住了性命]
bring to
(1) 使< 人> 恢复知觉, 使…复苏
(2)‘航海’使< 船只> 停驶
(3)‘航海’< 船只> 停驶 bring to bear → bear bring a person to book → book
名词 bring together
[~ + 受 + together] (尤指) 撮合< 男女> , 使…成情侣
A mystic force brought them together.一种神秘的力量使他们心心相印
bring﹍to oneself
(1) 使< 人> 苏醒, 使…复苏
(2) 使< 人> 醒悟, 使…恢复正常的心理状态
Your affection should ~ him to himself.你的关爱应该会使他醒悟
bring under
(1) 镇压, 抑制, 制服, 降服 (subdue)
~ rebels [a rebellion] under镇压反叛者 [叛乱] .
(2) 分类在…之下, 包括于…, 归纳为…
The findings can be brought under five heads.调查结果可归纳为五个项目
bring up
(1) 养育 < 子女> , 抚养; 教养, 训育
Grace was brought up to behave politely.葛莉丝被教养得举止有礼貌
(2) 提出< 问题等>
They have decided to ~ up the question at the next session.他们决定在下次开会时提出这问题
(3) 派< 军队> 往前线
(4) 将 < 轻罪嫌犯> 带到法庭
(5)(英口语)[因…而]严厉责骂< 人> < for>
(6)(英)呕吐< 物>
(7) 突然停止
He was brought up short by the sight.看到那情景他突然停下来
(8) 使 < 合计> 达[…][to]
(9) = BRING to (2)
(10) = BRING to (3) bring﹍up against﹍
(1) 使…遭遇 < 不利之情事等>
We were brought up against great difficulties.我们遇上了极大困难
(2) 提出不利于… < 之证据等>
The evidence was brought up against him.那证据提出来对他是不利的




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