

词汇 same
释义 same[sem; seim]形容词
1 [the ~]相同的, 同一的
【同义字】 same 质地、内容、外观等完全相同 identical 质、量、形等几乎完全相同的相似 equal 数量、大小、价值等相同 similar 同种东西而性质、形状等相似
a. (质、量、程度、种类等) 相同的, 同一的, 同样的
We eat the ~ food every day.我们每天吃同样的东西
Her name and mine are the ~.她的名字和我的 (名字) 相同
It is just the ~ with our family.我们家的情形也一样
He has made the very ~ mistake again.他又犯了完全相同的错误
b. (与以前) 一样的, 不变的
The patient is much [about] the ~.病人的情形大致与以前一样
Tokyo was not the ~ city after the war.战后东京市完全变了样子 [和以前全不一样]
2 a. (质、量、程度、种类等) (与…) 相同的, 同一种的, 同一的
I have the ~ watch as [that] you have.我的表和你的相同
They met at [in] the ~ place (where) they had met before. = They met at [in] the ~ place as before.他们在以前见面的同一地方相见
b. (与以前) 一样的, 不变的
His attitude is the ~ as ever [always].他的态度和以前一样
3 [紧接于 this, that, these, those 后面] (以前提过或谈话双方已知的) 上述的, 那个 [事, 人] , 该
We are fed up with that ~ old sermon of his.我们对他那老一套的说教感到很厌烦
Later this ~ boy became president.以后就是这个少年成为总统
all the same
(1) [常以 it 为主词] [对…]都一样, 没有关系, 无所谓[to]
if it is all the ~ (to you)如果 (对你) 没有关系的话
You can pay now or later; it is all the ~ to me.你可以现在付或以后付, 对我都一样 [我无所谓]
(2)同样, 仍然 (nevertheless)
He has defects, but I like him all the ~.他有缺点, 但是我仍然喜欢他
amount to the same thing→ thing at the same time→ time come to the same thing→ thing just the same=all the same one and the same 完全同一的
The two parts were played by one and the ~ actor.那两个角色由完全同一个演员演出
(the) same but [only] different
(口语)约略相同的, 有些不同的
1 [the ~]同一物 [事, 人]
The ~ applies to you.同样的情形也适用于你
He will do the ~ again.他又会做同样的事
I'll have the ~. [点叫餐饮时] 我也要同样的 (东西)
2 (谑)同上的东西 [事, 人]
The charge is $100; please remit ~.货款是一百元, 请汇款
Same here.(口语)
(1) [对于对方的话表示同意的说法] 我也一样
" I'm very tired." - " S here." .“我筋疲力尽了”“我也是”
(2) [点叫餐饮时] 也给我同样的东西 (The) same again, please
再来一碗 [杯, 份] (同样的东西) (The) same to you!
(对 Happy New Year!或 Merry Christmas!等祝贺词的回答)副词
1 [the ~]
a. 同样地, 相同地
'Rain' and 'reign' are pronounced the ~. rain.与 reign 的发音相同
I think the ~ of him.我对他的看法没有改变
b. (与…) 同样地, 相同地
I fell the ~ as you (do).我与你有同样的感受; 我的感受和你一样
2 (口语)与…同样地 [一样地]
He has his pride, ~ as you (do).他与你一样, 有他的自尊心




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