

词汇 seek
释义 seek[sik; si:k](sought[st; s:t])及物动词
1 a. 寻找, 寻求< 人、物等>
~ a solution寻求解决办法
~ the truth追求真理
~ shelter from the rain寻找避雨处
b. (为求援助或传达消息而) 找出 < 人、想要的东西> < out>
S~ him out and pass on the news.把他找出来并且把消息传达给他
2 a. 追求 < 财富、名声、快乐等> ; 企图获得 < 工作、地位等>
~ one's [a] fortune企图获得一大笔钱财
~ fame [employment]求名[职]
~ a quarrel找喳, 找人吵架
b. [向…]请求 < 忠告、援助、说明等> [from]
~ a doctor's advice向医生请教
~ a person's for giveness请求某人的原谅
I sought information from him.我向他询问
3 (文语)尝试, 试图
I sought to persuade him, but in vain.我试图说服他, 但无效
4 (文语.古) [寻求…而] 去< 某处> ; 向 < …方向> 移动[for]
~ one's bed就寝
The compass needle always ~s the north.指南针的针总是指向北方
He sought the woods for herbs.他在树林中搜寻药草
1 a. 寻找
S~ and you shall find.寻找就能找到
b. (拼命) 寻求[…][for]
She sought (about) for the lost dog.她拼命地四处寻找走失的狗
I sought along the shelf for the book.我顺著书架寻找那本书
2 想要获得[…][after]
His pictures are much sought after by collectors.他的画为收藏家所争相搜购
be not far to seek在近处; 很明显
The reason for his success is not far to ~ he worked hard.他成功的原因不难找, 那就是他勤奋工作




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