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se.cure[sɪ`kjʊr; siˈkjuə]《源自拉丁文“不担心”的意思》形容词(se.cur.er, -cur.est; more ~, most ~)1 a. 安全的, 没有危险的 (→ safe【同义字】)a ~ investment [shelter]安全的投资 [避难所]This building would be ~ in an earthquake.这幢建筑物遇到地震不会有危险b. 无[…之]虞的[from]; [对…]不用担心的[against]a nation ~ from [against] attack没有受攻击之虞的国家You are ~ from [against] danger here.你在这里不用担心危险2 a. < 地位、生活、未来等> 安定的, 无忧虑的, 受到保障的a ~ job with good pay高薪的安定工作We all hope for a ~ old age.我们都希望有个无忧无虑的晚年b. < 胜利、成功、升迁等> 确定的, 可靠的a ~ victory确实可靠的胜利His success is ~.他的成功是可以确定 [有把握] 的c. < 人> [对于…]放心的, 不担心的[about]He feels ~ about his future.他对自己的未来感到放心(他不担心自己的未来)3 a. < 立足点、地基、结等> 稳固的, 牢固的; < 锁、门等> 关好的, 紧闭的a ~ foothold稳固的立足点a ~ knot打牢的结Is the door ~?.门关好了吗?b. < 信念等> 巩固的a ~ belief坚定的信念c. 严密保管 [监禁] 的keep a prisoner ~严密监禁犯人Are you sure the money is ~?.你确定那笔钱被妥善保管著?4 (古)< 人> 确信[…]的[of]We were ~ of victory.我们确信能获胜及物动词A1 a. 使…免于 [受攻击等] [against]~ a nation against attack使国家免于受攻击He ~d himself against the cold.他防止受寒 [他做了防寒的准备]b. 保护…[from]She locked the door to ~ the house from burglary.她锁门以防家里遭窃2 a. 关好, 锁紧 < 窗、门、锁等> ~ a door [window]关好门 [窗]b. [用…]扣住, 固定[with]~ a boat with a rope用绳索系牢 [固定] 船3 a. 严密保管 < 贵重物品等> ~ valuables保管贵重物品b. 严密监禁< 人等> ~ a prisoner with handcuffs用手铐铐牢犯人4 a. 保证 < 权利、自由等> This bill will ~ the rights of strikers.这项法案将确保罢工者的权利b. 对 < 债权人> 保证还债; 保证偿清< 债务> [by, with]~ a creditor对债权人保证还债~ a loan with [by a pledge of] collateral以担保保证偿还借款c. (以遗言) 让与< 财产等> [给…][to]B1 (努力的结果) 顺利获得a. 获得, 确保~ a prize获奖S~ your seats early.早一点弄到座位b. [从…]获得[from]~ a promise from a person从某人处取得承诺 [取得某人的承诺]c. 为< 某人> 取得< 某物> ; [为某人]确保< 某物> [for]He ~d me two tickets. = He ~d two tickets for me.他为我弄到两张票He ~d himself a good job.他为自己找到一分好差事2 引发< 笑等> ~ a laugh使人发笑 |