

词汇 acknowledge
释义 ac.knowl.edge[ək`nɑlɪdʒ; əkˈnɔlidʒ]及物动词
1 承认, 认以为真
a. 承认…的事实[存在], 承认…的真实性, 承认…为真实
He ~d the truth of it.他承认它为真实
He ~d his faults.他承认自己的错误
b. 承认 < 做 (了) …> , 招认, 供认
He ~d having broken the law.他供认违反了法律
c. [向人]承认 < …云> , 招认, 供认[to]
He ~d (to me) that he had broken the law.他 (向我) 供认他违反了法律
d. 承认…< 为…> , 招认, 供认
He ~d it as true.他承认它是真实的
He is ~d to be the highest authority on the subject.他被公认为这门学科的最高权威
2 说明 [通知] 已收到< 信件等> ; 函谢, 领谢
I ~ (receipt of) your letter.来函敬悉
A~ the gift at once.你要立即函谢赠礼
3 示意理会到…, 向…打招呼 [by, with]
He ~d my presence with a nod.他以点头示意理会到我已到场
4 为…表示感谢, 道谢
~ a favor答谢所受的关照 [帮助]
5‘法律’ (正式地) 承认 < 证书等>
Do you ~ this signature?.你承认这是你的签字吗 ?




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