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fa.ther[`fɑðɚ; ˈfɑðə]名词1 (C)a. 父, 父亲(cf. mother)He is the ~ of two sons.他是两个儿子的父亲Like ~, like son.(谚)有其父, 必有其子b. [F~; 也用于称呼] 父亲F~ is out.父亲不在家(父亲出去了)2 (C)被敬仰为父者, 保护者The king is the ~ of his country.国王为该国之父 [建国者]3 (U)[the ~]父亲的情分, 父爱The ~ in him was aroused.他心中的父爱被激了起来4 a. (C)创始者, 始祖the ~ of the atomic bomb原子弹之父b. [the F~] […之]父[of]the F~ of his Country建国之父, 国父(指华盛顿 G. Washington)the F~ of History史学之父(指希罗多德 Herodotus)the F~ of Medicine医学之父(指希波克拉底 Hippocrates)c. [常无冠词]本源, 根源The child is ~ to [of] the man.(谚)童年时代可决定人之未来; 三岁看大, 四岁看老The wish is ~ to the thought.(谚)愿望是思想之父; 有什么愿望就有什么念头d. [the Fathers] (美)= Pilgrim Fathers; Founding Fathers5(C)[常 ~s]祖先be gathered to one's ~s = sleep with one's ~s葬于祖坟, 长眠, 死亡6 a. [对神职人员的尊称] 神父, 修道院长, 师傅F~ Brown.布朗神父the Holy F~罗马教皇, 教宗Most Reverend F~ in God.英国国教会大主教 archbishop 的尊称Right Reverend F~ in God.英国国教会主教 bishop 的尊称b. [常 Fathers] 初期基督教教会的教父c. [the F~] 天父, 上帝God7 a. …老→ Father Christmas, Father Time.b. [对敬畏者的拟人化] 为父之…F~ Thames.为父之泰晤士河8[~s]市镇议会等的最年长者; 元老, 资深者the Fathers of the House最资深的议员~s of a city一市的元老们, 市参议员→ city father.the Early Fathers = the Fathers of the Church早期基督教的教父the Father of lies虚伪之父(指魔鬼撒旦 Satan)the Father of the Faithful信徒之父(‘圣经’指亚伯拉罕 Abraham; ‘回教’回教主哈里发 caliph 的称号)the Father of Waters江河之父(指密西西比河 the Mississippi)及物动词1 a. 成为…之父; 生< 子> begetHe ~ed three children.他生了三个孩子b. 生出 < …个> 子女, 成为< …的> 父亲 [on, by]He ~ed two sons on [by] two women.他与两个妇女生了两个儿子c. 像父亲一样对待 [照顾] …2 创始; 创立< 计画等> 3 承认是…的父亲 [作者]4 a. 宣称< 某人> 为[…之]子, [使…]负起为…之父的责任[on, upon]b. 宣称 < 著作> 为[…的]作品, 使[…]负起著作< …的> 责任[on, upon]This article has been ~ed on [upon] him.这篇专论被认为是他写的 |