

词汇 copy
释义 cop.y[`kɑpɪ; ˈkɔpi]《源自拉丁文“丰富, 多量”的意思; 原义来自复写可使正本增多》名词
1 (C)抄本, 誊本, 副本; 复制品
a clean [fair] ~誊清本
a rough ~草稿
→ carbon copy 1
the original and five copies正本和五份副本
make [take] a ~ (of﹍) 复写 (…) , 誊写) (…)
keep a ~ of a deed on file把一份证书的副本存档
2 (C) (同一书籍、杂志等的) …本 [份, 册, 部]
Five thousand copies of the book were sold.那本书卖了五千部
3 (U)
a. (印刷的) 原稿
follow ~照原稿排版
knock up ~ (为准备立刻付印而) 整理 (新闻等) 原稿
b. (新闻的) 题材
make good ~成为新闻的好题材
4 (U)广告文 (稿)
(cf. copywriter)及物动词
1 a. 抄写, 誊写; 复印
(→ imitate 2【同义字】)
C~ this letter.把这封信复印
b. [从…]抄下< down> [from]
They copied the sentences (down) from the blackboard.他们从黑板上抄下那些句子
c. 将…全部照抄< out>
2 效法, 模仿, 仿效 < 长处等>
You should ~ your sister.你应该效法你的姊姊
3 (英) (作弊时) [从…]全部抄下[from, off]
She copied the idea from a foreign magazine.她从某外国杂志抄袭了那个构想
1 a. 抄写, 誊写
b. 被复写 [誊写] (于…)
2 模仿
3 (英) [看著他人的答案或书]抄袭[from, off]
No ~ing!.不可抄袭 (他人的东西) !
He accused me of ~ing from my neighbor.他责备我抄袭邻座者 (的试卷)




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