

词汇 leg
释义 leg[lɛg; leɡ]名词
1 (C)腿, 脚, 足
stand on one ~用一只腿站立著
He was shot in the ~.他腿上中弹
She has nice ~s.她的腿很漂亮; 她有一双美腿
2 a. (C) (供食用之动物的) 腿部
a ~ of mutton [lamb]羊 [小羊] 腿 (肉)
(尤指从后腿膝部以上呈长三角形的部分)b. (U)腿肉
3 (C)
a. (椅、桌、圆规等的) 脚b. (机械等的) 支撑部, 支柱c. 三角形的底边 [斜边] 以外的边
4 (C) (衣服的) 脚的部分, 脚部
the ~s of trousers裤管
a. (运动、旅行等全部 过程中的) 一个段落
the second ~ of the relay接力赛的第二段 [棒]
b. (长程飞行的) 一段航程, 一次飞航
6(U) [有时 the ~] ‘板球’打击者的左后方 (the) long[short]~ 离三柱门较远的 [近的] 野手 (守备位置)
as fast as one's legs would [will] carryone以全速
be (up) on one's legs
(1) (长时间) 站[走]著
(2) (病愈后) 能走
fall on [upon] one's legs = land on one's feet( →foot 成语)
feel one's legs = feel one's feet( →foot 成语) get a person back on his legs
(1) 使< 某人> 恢复健康
(2) 使< 某人> 经济上能自立 get up on one's (hind) legs
(1)< 马> 以后脚站立; < 人> 站起来
(2) 变成攻击性, 生气
(3)(口语) (在公开的场合) 为发表演说而起立 give a person a leg up
(1) 扶< 人> 上马等 [登上高处]
(2) 援助< 人>
have the legs of a person跑得比< 某人> 快
keep one's legs继续站著 (不倒)
leg before wicket‘板球’ < 打击手> 以脚挡住球
(犯规; 略作 l.b.w.)
not have a leg [have no leg] to stand on < 议论> 无法成立, 无法证明
Any claim against her wouldn't have a legal ~ to stand on.向她提出任何请求都没有法律上的根据
on one's[its]last legs
(1) 垂死
(2) 困窘 [困惑, 疲惫] 已极
pull a person's leg(口语)嘲弄 [捉弄, 愚弄] 某人
(cf. legpull)
He's pulling our ~s.他在捉弄我们
put one's best leg forward [foremost] =put one's best foot forward [foremost] shake a leg(俚)
(1) 舞蹈
(2) 赶快
show a leg(英口语)起床
stand on one's own legs自立, 独力做
stretch one's legs(久坐之后) 出去散步, 伸脚
take to one's legs逃逸
walk a person off his legs使< 某人> 走累
及物动词(legged; leg.ging)
[~ it](口语)走, 跑, 逃逸
We legged it for 10 miles.我们走[跑]了十哩




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