

词汇 intervene
释义 in.ter.vene[ˌɪntɚ`vin; ˌintəˈvi:n]《源自拉丁文“介于中间”的意思》不及物动词
1 a. < 年月、时间、事件等> 介入 [… (之间) ] , 插入 [… (之间) ] [between, in]
during the years that ~(d)在其间的岁月
A week ~s between Christmas and New Year's (Day).耶诞节与新年之间隔一个星期
b. < 场所等> 介于 [… (之间) ] [between, in]
an intervening river流过其间的河
c. < 无关的事> 介入 [… (之间) ] [between, in]
I will see you tomorrow, should nothing ~.如果没有什么事相阻, 我明天去看你
2 a. < 人> 仲裁[…], 调停 [between, in]
~ between two quarreling parties为争吵的双方调停
~ in a dispute调解争端
b. 干涉[…][in]
~ in the civil war of another country干涉他国的内战




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