

词汇 God
释义 God[gɑd; ɡɔd]名词
1 (U) (尤指基督教的) 上帝, 造物主
the Almighty ~全能的神
the Lord ~主, 上帝
~ the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost圣父, 圣子, 圣灵, 三位一体
2 [g] (C)
a. (异教的) 神; (神话等的) 男神(cf. goddess 1)
the gods of Greece and Rome希腊、罗马的诸神
the god of day太阳神→ Apollo
the god of fire火神 → Vulcan
the god of heaven天神 → Jupiter 2
the god of love爱神→ Cupid 1
the god of hell地狱之神→ Pluto 1
the god of the sea海神 → Neptune 1
the god of this world魔王→ Satan
the god of war战神 → Mars 2 a
the god of wine酒神 (→ Bacchus) .神像, 偶像; 如神般受崇拜的人; 崇拜的对象
(→ tin god)
make a god of把…当作崇拜的对象, 过于重视…
Money is his ~.钱就是他的神
3 (U)
by ~对神发誓, 一定, 必定, 绝对
for ~'s sake看在上帝的面上, 求求您
Good ~! = My [Oh] ~!.天哪!哎呀, 真的吗?不可能!好痛!糟糕!岂有此理!悲哉!
(~) bless you [her, him, etc.] ! = (~) bless your heart [his soul, etc]. !天哪!哎呀!吓我一跳!
(~) bless me [my soul] !天哪 ! 不得了啦 !
(~) bless you !.谢谢您!哎呀 ! [对打喷嚏的人说] 请保重!
~ damn you [him, etc.] !畜生!该死!
~ forbid (that﹍) !上天不容…!求上帝不要发生…事!绝无…事!
~ grant (that﹍) !求上帝赐…!但愿…!
~ help you [him, etc.] !愿上帝保佑你[他]!真可怜!
→ God KNOWs, So HELP me (God)
Thank ~!.谢天谢地!感谢上帝!
[the gods; 集合称] (戏院) 顶层楼座; 顶层楼座的观众
sit in the gods坐在顶层楼座观看
God willing.上帝允许的话; 如情况许可
with God死后在天国 (与主同在)




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