

词汇 case
释义 case[kes; keis]《源自拉丁文“发生的事”的意思》名词
1 (C) (某特定的) 情形, 场合; (具体的个别) 事例
in such ~s在如此的场合[情形]
in this ~在这种场合
→in that CASE
in either ~在 (两者中的) 任一种情形, 两种情形都
There are many ~s where the pen is mightier than the sword.文胜于武的情形很多
2 (C)
a. (涉及道义、人生等的) 问题
a ~ of conscience良心上 [道义上] 的问题
a ~ of life and death生死问题
b. (需要警察等介入、调查的) 事件
put the ~ in the hands of the police把那个案子交给警方处理
a criminal [civil] ~刑事 [民事] 案件
a murder ~杀人 [谋杀] 案件
3 [the ~]事实, 真相; 实情
That is [is not] the ~.事实就是 [并非] 那样
It is always the ~ with him.他总是如此
Such being the ~, I can't go.情形既然如此, 我就不能去了
It is the ~ that.﹍. 事实 [真相] 是…
4 (某人的) 状况, 立场, 境遇
a sad ~可怜的情况
5(C) (某种疾病的) 病症, 病例, 病情; 患者
a new [fresh] ~ of flu流行性感冒的新病例
His ~ is hopeless.他的病情很不乐观
6(C) (特定类型的) 人, 东西
a difficult ~难应付 [难处理] 的人
a hard ~难缠的人; 惯犯
a. (支持诉讼者立场的) 诉讼论据, 主张; 申述
lay one's ~ before the court在法官面前陈述
state [make out] one's ~陈述[证明]自己的主张[立场]
have a good ~有 (足以胜诉的) 充分事实和证据
b. (能使人理解的) 充分论据[主张], 可作为辩护的理由 [论点]
The ~ for conservatism is strong [weak].拥护[支持]保守主义的理由是充足 [不充足] 的
8(C)‘法律’诉讼 (案件) ; 判例
bring a ~ against﹍ 对…提出诉讼
drop a ~撤回诉讼
lose [win] one's ~败诉 [胜诉]
10(C)(美口语)怪人; 奇人
11 (C)(俚)爱恋, 爱慕
have a ~ on a person爱恋某人
as is often the case (with﹍)
(对…) 是常有的事 as the case may be
看情形, 随机应变地 case by case
随各种不同场合[情况], 逐件地, 个别地
(cf. case-by-case) judge the situation ~ by ~
逐个地判断情况 case in point
→ in POINT in any case
无论如何, 不管怎样, 总之 in case
(1) [常置于句尾] 以防万一
I'll wear a raincoat, (just) in ~.我要穿雨衣, 以备万一 (下雨)
(2) 以备…, 以防…, 预防…
Take an umbrella with you in ~ it rains [should rain].带把伞以防下雨
We'll keep this just in ~ we need it later.我们保留这个以防以后需要它
(3) 如果…, 若是…
In ~ I forget, please remind me of [about] it.如果我忘了那件事, 请提醒我
in case of﹍
在 [遇到] …的时候; 倘若 [要是] …
in ~ of need [danger, emergency]
遇到需要 [危险, 紧急] 的时候
In ~ of anything happening, call this number.倘若发生什么事, 就打这个电话号码
in nine cases out of ten
十之八九, 多半 in no case
绝不 (做) …, 在任何情况下决不…
You should in no ~ forget it.你绝不可忘记那件事
in that case
假如是那样, 如果有那样的事 just in case
(1) →in CASE (1), (2)
(2)(美)只限于 [唯有] …的场合[情形] (only if)
P is true just in ~ the negation of p is not true.只限于 P 的否定为不真时 P 才是真的
make out a[one's]case for[against]﹍
摆明 (自己) 拥护[反对]…的立场 put the case (that﹍)




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