释义 |
as.sured形容词1 (似) 有自信 [把握] 的, (似) 确信 [胸有成竹] 的; 大胆的, 狂妄的, 满不在乎的his ~ manner他有自信的 [满不在乎的] 态度He always seems very ~.他总是好像很有把握2 有保证的, 确实的, 可靠的an ~ demand确实的需求3 a. 确信[…]的, 确定[…]的, [对…]有把握的[of](cf. assure 3 a)I am not at all ~ of success.我对成功毫无把握b. 确信, 深信< …一事> (cf. assure 3 b)I am ~ that his plan will succeed.我深信他的计画会成功You may rest ~ that we shall do all we can.你可以放心我们一定会尽力而为可数名词(pl. ~, (罕)~s)[the ~](英)被保人 (the insured)名词~.ness |