释义 |
per.son[`pʒsn; ˈpə:sn]名词1 (C) (指个别之) 人five ~s五个人Who is that ~?.那是何许人?【字源】person 源自拉丁文“ (演员在舞台上带的) 假面具”, 后来演变成“ (戏中) 上场人物, 角色”之意, 再变成“人”之意. 这个字前半部 per 是“透过…”之意, 后半部 son 是“出声”之意, 两者合起来表示演员“透过假面具出声”之意2 (C)a. 身体on [about] one's~带在身上all over his ~在他全身b. 相貌3 (U) [有修饰语时为(C)] ‘文法’人称→ first person, second person, third person.4 (C)‘法律’人the artificial [legal] ~法人the natural ~自然人5 [有时 P~] (C)‘神学’ (圣父、圣子及圣灵三位一体任一之) 位(cf. Trinity 1)the three ~s of the Godhead上帝一体中之三位(圣父、圣子、圣灵)■ in person(1) (非由他人代理而) 亲自地, 本身地 (←→ by attorney)You had better go in ~.你最好亲自去(2) (对相片等而言的) 本人I haven't met her in ~.我还没见过她本人■ in the person of﹍身为…的, 由…亲自代表He found a good assistant in the ~ of Mr. Smith.他找到了史密斯先生这位好助手 |