

词汇 hesitate
释义 hes.i.tate[`hɛzəˌtet; ˈheziteit]《源自拉丁文“附著”的意思》不及物动词
1 a. 踌躇, 犹豫不决
He ~d before deciding.他在决定以前迟疑了一下
He who ~s is lost.(谚)踌躇不前者错失良机
【同义字】 hesitate 因无法下定决心而踌躇 waver 虽已下了决心, 但随后又感到犹豫 falter 因缺乏勇气、恐惧而退缩
b. [对…]踌躇 [about, at, in, over]
He ~d about the propriety of asking her.他对于该不该问她犹豫不决
He ~s at nothing to achieve his purposes.为达到自己的目的, 他什么事都干得出来
Don't ~ in doing anything good.做好事切勿迟疑
c. [关于…]犹豫不决, 踌躇不前[about]; 犹豫不知 < 该…>
I ~d (about) what I should do. = I ~d what to do.到底该做什么, 我拿不定主意
d. 迟疑< 于做…> ; 不想< 做…>
He ~d to spend so much money on books.他在书本上不想花那么多钱
Please don't ~ to call me. (若有事) 不必犹豫, 打电话给我好了
2 吞吞吐吐, 支支吾吾




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