

词汇 clash
释义 clash[klæʃ; klæʃ]《拟声语》不及物动词
1 a. 发出撞击声 [铿锵声]
The dishes ~ed in the kitchen.厨房里盘子铿锵作响
b. 碰撞作响
swords ~ing and clanging相击而发出铿锵声的剑
2 a. 碰, 撞; 冲突
The cars ~ed.汽车相撞了
b. 撞上[…] [into, against] ; 相撞[with]
He ~ed into [against] the pole.他撞上柱子
The car ~ed with a truck.那辆汽车与一部卡车相撞了
The army ~ed with the enemy on the wide plain.部队在旷野上与敌军交锋
3 a. < 意见、利害等> 冲突, 抵触
b. 冲突[with]; [因某事]起冲突[on, over]
Principles often ~ with interests.原则常与利益冲突
They ~ed on trifles.他们为微不足道的事发生冲突 [争吵]
c. < 日程等> 撞期[with]
On Monday the two meetings ~.星期一两个会议撞期
d. < 颜色等> 不相称, 不相配, 不协调[with]
This color ~es with that.这颜色和那颜色不相称
使< 钟等> 当当作响; 使 < 剑等> 相撞击< together>
1 [a ~] (火警钟等的) 当当声; 相击声
2 (C) [意见、利益等的] 冲突, 不一致, 不协调[of]
a ~ of viewpoints见解的不一致
a ~ of colors色调不合
3 (C) (日程等的) 撞期[between]
4 (C)战斗, 小冲突[between]
a ~ between the two task forces两支机动部队 [特遣部队] 间的战斗




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