

词汇 remove
释义 re.move[rɪ`muv; riˈmuv]《源自拉丁文“除掉”的意思》及物动词
1 a. 除去, 拆除< 物> ; 脱掉 < 鞋子、帽子等>
~ the cause of worry袪除烦恼之因
Please ~ your shoes.请脱鞋 (入内)
b. [自…]除去< 物> [from]
~ a person's name from the list从名单上除去某人的名字
Can these ink stains be ~ d from the clothes?.衣服上的这些墨水污点洗得掉吗?
2 a. 将 < 军队、家人等> 迁移 [移居] [到他处] , 移动[to]
~ the troops to the front把军队移动 [调] 到前线
b. [自某地方] 移开, 移动< 物> [from]
For a moment he did not ~ his eyes from her face.有一会儿他的视线没有从她的面孔上移开 [他双眼盯著她的脸看了一会儿]
c. [~ oneself][从…]走开, 离去[from]
He ~d himself from the room.他走出房间
3 (文语)
a. 将< 人> 撤任 [免职, 解雇]
~ a stationmaster把站长免职
The official was ~d for taking bribes.那名官员因收受贿赂而被撤职
b. 将< 人> [从官职等] 撤任, 免职; 将< 人> [从学校] 开除, 勒令…退学[from]
The magistrate was ~d from office.治安法官被免职
The boy was ~d from school.那男孩被勒令退学
(文语)[从…]移动[到…], 迁移[from][to, into]
The company has ~d from London to Oxford.公司已从伦敦迁移到牛津
They ~d into the country.他们搬迁到乡下去了
1 距离, 间 隔; 路程; 阶段[from]
at many ~ s from距…甚远
Genius is but one ~ from insanity.天才与疯狂之间只有毫釐之差
2 等级; 亲等
a (first) cousin at one ~第一代亲堂[表]兄弟姊妹之子女, 五亲等
(a (first) cousin once removed) a cousin in the second ~第一代亲堂[表]兄弟姊妹之孙, 六亲等




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