

词汇 remember
释义 re.mem.ber[rɪ`mɛmbɚ; riˈmembə]及物动词
1 想起
a. 想起, 记起
I cannot ~ his name.我想不起他的名字
She often ~ed her schooldays.她常常想起她的学生时代
b. 想起…
I ~ed that I had a lot of things to do.我想起有很多事要做
c. 想起…
I cannot ~ where I met him.我想不起在哪里见过他
I have just ~ed how to operate this machine.我刚想起操作这机器的方法 [如何操作这机器]
【同义字】 remember 记得或想起过去的事 recall 努力而有意地想起 recollect 意图想起遗忘之事的努力
2 记得
a. 记得, 记著
Do you ~ me?.你记得我吗?
b. 记住, 把…牢记在心
R~ my promise.记住 [别忘了] 我的承诺
c. 记得 < (做) 过> …
I ~ seeing her somewhere.我记得以前在哪儿见过她
I ~ having heard him mention it.我记得曾经听他提到过那件事
d. +doing] 记得 < …做过…>
I ~ you [your] saying so.记得你那样说 过
e. 记住要 (做) …
I'll ~ to mail [(英)post] these letters.我会记著 [不会忘记] 寄这些信
f. 记著…
R~ that I love you very much.记住 [不要忘了] 我很爱你
g. 记得…
Do you ~ where you met her?.你记得你在哪儿见过她吗?
Do you ~ how to spell his name?.你记得他的名字如何拼写吗?
h. 记得< 人、物> 从前是…
How fat he is!I ~ him as a thin little boy.他现在好胖啊!我记得他从前是个瘦瘦的小男孩
3 a. 送礼给< 人> , 酬谢< 人> , 馈赠
Please ~ the waiter.请别忘了给服务生小费
b. 赠送< 人> […][with]
She always ~s me with a Christmas card.她总是送我一张耶诞卡
4 [在…中]提到…的名字[in]
Please ~ me in your prayers.请你为我祷告 [在祷告时, 也提到我的名字]
He ~ed her in his will.他在遗嘱中列入了她的名字
5 代…[向…]问候 [请安, 致意] [to]
Please ~ me to Mr. Brown.请代我向布朗先生问候
My mother asked to be ~ed to you.家母向你请安
想起, 忆起, 回忆; 记住 (不忘) ; 记得
if I ~ right(ly)如果我没有记错
" You met me there, didn't you ?" -" Not that I ~." .“你在那儿跟我见过面, 不是吗?”“没有, 我不记得有这一回事”
Don't forget to do it. Please ~!.请记著别忘了做这件事!
remember﹍against a person对< 某人> 记恨< 某事>
He still ~s it against me.他还在对我记恨那件事




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