释义 |
bridge[brɪdʒ; bridʒ]可数名词1 桥, 桥梁a ~ of boats (架在一排小船上的) 船桥build [throw] a ~ across [over] a river在河上架桥Don't cross the [your] ~ until [till, before] you come [get] to it.(谚)不要杞人忧天; 不要为未到之事而烦恼A lot of water has flowed under the ~ (since then). (自从那时起) 发生过许多事2 形状似桥梁之物a. 鼻梁(指两眼之间的部分)b. (眼镜的) 鼻梁架c. (弦乐器的) 琴马(提琴或胡琴上用以架高琴弦之小木片)3 船桥, 舰桥(横架于两舷的高座, 为船长等发号施令之处)4‘牙科’齿桥5‘撞球’ (球) 杆架, (撞球时, 为稳定球杆而用靠近球之手指作成的) 杆托6‘电学’电桥7‘角力’桥形 (撑)burn one's bridges (behindone) = burn one's BOATS (behind one)及物动词1 架桥于 < 河川、山谷等> 2 填补 < 空隙> ~ a gap填补缝隙 [悬隔]3 a. 度过 < 难关> < over> ~ over many difficulties度过许多难关b. 救< 人> (于一时) < over> The wealth will ~ him over.这笔财富可帮他度过难关 |