

词汇 breath
释义 breath[brɛθ; breθ]《源自古英语“发散, 呼气”的意思》名词
1 (U)
a. 气息, 呼吸
have bad [foul] ~呼吸有臭味, 有口臭
draw (one's) ~呼吸; 活著
get one's ~ (back [again])恢复正常的呼吸, 恢复正常
give up [yield] one's ~断气, 死
hold one's ~ (因恐惧或兴奋而) 屏息
lose one's ~喘息, 喘不过气来
out of ~气喘的, 喘不过气来
one's last [dying] ~临终
with the [one's] last ~临终之际, 断气之际
b. 生命, 生命力, 活力
as long as I have ~ = while there is ~ in me只要我一息尚存, 只要我活著
2 a. [用单数]一呼吸; 一呼吸之间, 瞬间
at [in] a ~一口气地
take [draw] a deep [long] ~作深呼吸
b. (U)休息
take [draw, gather] ~喘一口气, 歇一口气, 稍事休息
3 [a ~]
a. 微风, 和风
There was not a ~ of air [wind].一点风都没有
b. 微弱 (的声音) , 些微
There is not a ~ of trust.没有一丝信任
4 (C) (在空气中飘动的) 香气
5(U)‘语音’无声音, 气音
(cf. voice 5) above one's breath
出声地 below one's breath
低声地, 小声地 speak below one's ~
低声说 catch one's breath
(1) (因惊讶、恐惧等而) 屏息
(2) (在运动等之后) 喘一口气; (在工作之后) 休息一会儿 first draw breath
(文语)出生 in one breath
(1) 一口气地
(2) 同时地 in the same breath
(1) 同时地
These two things cannot be mentioned in the same ~.这两件事不可相提并论
(2) 紧接著又 (相反地)
say yes and no in the same ~说了“是”紧接著又说“不是”
keep [save] one's breath to cool one's porridge → porridge knock the breath out of a person
使某人大吃一惊 save one's breath
不白费唇舌, 沈默 take a person's breath away
使某人大为惊讶 [感动] the breath of life
(文语)生气, 生命 (力) , 活力; (如生命般) 重要之物 under one's breath
= below one's BREATH waste (one's) breath
白费唇舌, 省点说话气力 with bated breath
屏息地, 焦急不安地




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