释义 |
flow.er[`flaʊɚ; ˈflauə]名词1 (C)a. 花artificial ~s人造花the national ~国花 → wild flowerarrange ~s插花No ~s.恳辞花圈 [花圈敬辞](讣闻广告用词)Say it with ~s.用花表达您的心意(花店的标语)b. 花卉grow [plant] ~s栽培 [种] 花卉 【同义字】■ flower 花卉的花或草花■ bloom 观赏植物的花■ blossom 果树的花 2 (U)开花, 盛开in ~开著花, 正盛开著, 怒放come into ~开出花来3 [the ~]精粹, 精华[of]an anthology in which are collected the ~of English poets收集英国诗人精粹的诗集4 [the ~]青春, 壮年, 盛年, 盛时[of]the ~ of one's youth风华正茂的时期, 青春时代5[~s; 当单数用]‘化学’华(升华作用所形成的粉状物)~s of sulfur硫华■ (as) welcome as (the) flowers in May大受欢迎的; 令人感激的不及物动词1 开花2 兴旺, 繁荣Great talents ~ late.大器晚成The Renaissance ~ed in Leonardo da Vinci.文艺复兴在达文奇时代达到颠峰及物动词使开花, 以花纹装饰… |