

词汇 flow
释义 flow[flo; flou]不及物动词
1 a. < 液体、河水等> (不断地) 流, 流动, 流出
The water was ~ing out.水在流出
The oil ~ed over the rim of the drum.油从汽油桶的边缘流出 [溢出]
Tears ~ed from his eyes.泪从他眼里流出
The river ~s into the bay.那条河流入海湾
The Thames ~s through London.泰晤士河流过伦敦市
b. < 东西、岁月> 如流水般移动 [逝去]
Scientific brains ~ed into America.科学界的精英 [科学家] 流入美国
Years ~ away.岁月流逝
c. < 人、车等> 川流不息; < 口才等> 流畅; < 头发等> 飘垂; < 旗等> 迎风招展
Traffic ~s along the street all day.街上的来往车辆整天川流不息
Orders for the new product ~ed in upon him.他源源不断地收到新产品的订单
Her long hair ~ed down her shoulders.她的长发飘垂在肩膀上
d. < 血液的> 循环, < 电等的> 流通
2 < 血> 流出
Blood will ~. (事件未解决以前) 会发生流血事件
3 [由…]产生, 发生; 来[自…][from]
Success ~s from health and intelligence.成功源自健康与才智
4 < 潮> 涨
(←→ ebb)
5 充满, 充溢…
a land ~ing with milk and honey充满牛奶与蜜的土地
The streets ~ed with men and women.街上充满了男男女女
1 a. (U)流, 流水, 流动
the ~ of a river河水的流动
b. [常 a ~] (电、瓦斯等的) 供应 (量) [of]
2 [用单数]大量的流出, (不断的) 流动, 畅流, 滔滔不绝[of]
a ~ of conversation [music]滔滔不绝的谈话 [不停的音乐]
the ~ of soul
(一团和气的) 联欢, 融洽的交往, 推心置腹
3 [the ~]涨潮
(←→ ebb)
The tide was on [at] the ~.潮水在涨
4 (U)氾滥, 洪水
5(U) (衣服、头发等的) 飘拂




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