

词汇 pattern
释义 pat.tern[`pætɚn; ˈpætən]可数名词
1 模范, 典范, 榜样[of]
She is a [the] ~ of virtue.她是美德的典范
2 型, 模型; (服装剪裁的) 纸型, 纸样; 铸模, 木模[of, for]
a car of a new ~新型车
a ~ for a dress=a dress ~女装的纸样
3 (思考、行动、文章等的) 型态, 模式, 格式
a ~ for living生活模式
→ behavior pattern, sentence pattern.
4 (陶器、纺织品等的) 图案, 花样
a dress with a flower ~ [a ~ of flowers]有花样的衣服
5 样本, 样品 (sample)
a bunch [book] of ~s一本布料样本
6‘电视’检验图, 测试图 (test pattern)
模范的, 典范的
a ~ wife [husband]模范太太 [先生]
1 a. 模仿[…]制造… [on, upon, after]
Her coat is ~ed on the newest fashion.她的外衣是模仿最新流行的款式制成的
b. [~ oneself]模仿[…], 学[…的]榜样 [after, on, upon]
Kate ~ed herself after her teacher.凯蒂学老师的模样
2 在…加上[…的]图案; 图案装饰[with]




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