

词汇 poised
释义 poised形容词
1 < 人> 镇定的, 泰然自若的
2 [在…之间]摇摆不定的, 徘徊的[between]
The patient was ~ between life and death.那个病人徘徊在生死之间
3 悬在空中的
(cf. poise v.t. 3)
The lark was ~ for a moment before turning on its wings.那只云雀在变更方向以前在空中停了片刻
4 轻轻地坐在[…][in, on]
(cf. poise v.t.2b)
She was ~ on a chair.她轻轻地坐在椅子上
5 a. [为…事]准备好的[for]
(cf. poise v.t.4a)
They were ~ for departure.他们为出发做好了准备
b. 准备好< 做…> 的(cf. poise v.t. 4 b)
They were ~ to depart.他们准备好要出发了




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