

词汇 help
释义 help[hɛlp; help]及物动词
1 帮助
( cf. 1 c; → save【同义字】)
【同义字】 help 为达成目的而作必要的积极援助 aid 提供被认为需要的援助, 暗示被助者为弱者 assist 对于别人的工作等作辅助性的帮忙
a. < 人> 援助< 某人> , 救助, 帮忙
Heaven ~s those who ~ themselves.(谚)天助自助者
( cf. self-help)
May [Can] I ~ you, sir?.先生, 我可帮什么忙吗?
b. 帮助< 某人> (做…)
~ a person down (from a bus)扶某人 (从公车) 下来
~ a person up扶某人起身 [站起]
~ a person into a train扶某人上火车
~ a person out of danger帮助某人脱险
c. 帮忙< 某人> […][in, with]
She ~ed her mother with the work in the kitchen.她帮助母亲做厨房的工作
H me on [off] with my overcoat, please.请帮我穿上 [脱下] 大衣
They agreed to ~ me in the business.他们同意在生意上 [事业上] 帮助我
d. 帮助< 某人> < 做…>
I ~ my father (to) fertilize the crops.我帮助父亲给农作物施肥
He offered to ~ me find it.他表示愿意 [主动提出] 帮我去找它
She was ~ed to carry the parcels.她有人帮忙提拎包裹
e. 帮忙< 做…>
He ~ed (to) build a boat.他帮忙造一条小船
Go and ~ wash up at the sink.到 (厨房) 洗涤槽去帮忙洗碗盘吧!
2 a. < 物品> 有助于治 < 病等> ; 促进, 助长< 事情>
A fresh coat of paint will ~ the appearance of the room.涂上一层新油漆会增添这房间的美观
Honey will ~ your cough.蜂蜜有助于治咳
b. < 物品> 促进…< 做…> , 助长
This will ~ you (to) attain your end.这将有助于你达成目的
c. < 物品> 对< 做…> 有用, 有助于…
This dictionary will ~ (to) improve your understanding of English.这本辞典有助于你提高英语的理解能力
3 a. [将饮食品等] 端给< 某人> , 劝< 某人> 取食[…][to]
She ~ed me to some wine.她倒给我一些葡萄酒
b. [~ oneself]自由 [随意] 取食 [食物等] [to]
Please ~ yourself.请随意取食
H~ yourself to a cigar.请随意取用雪茄
c. (口语)分配< 菜肴> ; (分开) 盛 < 饮料、食品>
Use this spoon to ~ the gravy. [对佣人等说] 用这汤匙取肉汁
4 a. 避免…, 阻止
I did it because I couldn't ~ it.我是迫不得已才那样做的
That [It] can't be ~ed.那是无法避免的 [不得已的]
I won't stay so late [that long], if I can ~ it.如果我能够 (避免) [我有办法] , 我不会留到那么晚 [留得那么久]
Don't spend more than you can ~.尽量不要花钱
Don't be longer than you can ~.尽量不要耽搁太久 [尽量快]
b. [~ oneself]不能自制, 不由自主
5 a. 抑制< 做…> , 忍住< 做…>
I cannot ~ laughing.我忍不住笑
I cannot ~ being poor.我是穷, 可是没有办法呀
I cannot ~ wondering about the girl.我不免对那个女孩感到惊奇
(→ cannot but do → can 成语{比较})b. +doing] 对…< 做…> 无可奈何 [无能为力]
We can't ~ him [his] being so impolite.对于他的如此粗鲁, 我们无能为力
I cannot ~ my wife having poor relations.我太太有不少穷亲戚, 我也无可奈何 [没有法子]
1 a. 救助, 帮助
H~! ~!.救命! 救命!
b. 帮忙[…][with]
We all ~ed with the harvest [dishes].我们都帮忙收割 [洗碗盘]
2 有用, 有帮助
Crying doesn't [won't] ~.哭没有用
God help him!.真可怜! 可怜的人!
help out
(1) (有困难时) 帮助< 某人> 完成[…][with]
~ a person out with his work帮助某人做完工作
(2) 补助< 某人> 费用(cf. v.t.1b)
(3) (有困难时) 帮助[…], 帮忙[with] help oneself to﹍
(1) → v.t
(2)(委婉语)自由取用…; 偷取… (steal) So help me (God) !
(1) [用作誓言] 天神共鉴!我敢对天发誓!
(2) 必定, 无误
(3) 我说的是实话 [真话]
1 (U)帮助, 帮忙, 救助; 援助; 救济
cry for ~呼救, 求救
give some [one's] ~帮助, 援助, 协助
They are so small that they can be seen only with the ~ of a microscope.它们那样小, 只有借助显微镜才看得见
2 (C)有用 [可贵] 的东西[to]
She has been a great ~ to me.她一直对我大有帮助
3 (U) 避免的方法, 逃路[for]
There's no ~ for it.无可避免 [无可救药]
4 a. (C)帮忙者, 助手; (尤指) 佣人, 女佣
a mother's ~ (帮忙简单家事或照顾小孩的) 帮佣, 保姆
b. (U)[集合称; 当复数用](美)雇员, 员工, 从业员; (尤指) 女管家
H Wanted.徵求女佣(广告)
be of help有用, 有益
His warning was (of) much ~ to me.他的警告对我大有裨益
I hope I can be of some ~ to you.我希望我对你有所帮助




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