

词汇 mind
释义 mind[maɪnd; maind]《源自古英语“记忆, 思考”的意思》名词
1 (指与身体相对, 具有思考、意志等功能的) 心, 精神
~ and body身心
a strong [weak] ~坚强 [脆弱] 的心
a state [frame] of ~ (一时的) 心情; 心境; 心态, 精神状态
a turn [cast] of ~心地, 性情
apply [bend] the ~ to﹍ 对…用心 [煞费苦心]
give one's (whole) ~ to﹍ 专注于…, 倾全心于…
open one's ~ to﹍ 对…说出心里话
take one's [a person's] ~ off﹍把 (某人的) 心从…移开, 使 (人) 不注意 [不挂心] …; 使人忘记…事
A sound ~ in a sound body. → sound. → Absence of mind.
【同义字】 heart 感情、情绪的心
2 a. (U) [又作 a ~] (与感情、意志有别, 运用理性的) 知性, 智力
a man of sound ~知性健全的人
He has a very good [sharp] ~.他的脑筋非常好
b. (U)精神的正常状态 [健全]
a man of sound ~精神健全的人
out of one's ~发疯, 精神失常
She lost her ~.= She went out of her ~.她发疯了
No one in his right ~ would do such a terrible thing.精神正常的人绝不会做如此可怕的事
3 (U)记忆, 回忆
bear [keep, have] in ~记住…, 把…记在心里 [留在记忆里]
bring [call] to ~想起…
come to ~ < 事情> 浮现心头 [脑海里]
cross [enter] one's ~ < 事情> 涌上心头, 掠过脑海
flash across [rush upon] one's ~ < 事情> 突然闪现脑海中, 突然被想起
put a person in ~ of﹍ 使某人想起…
pass [go] out of one's ~ < 事情> 被遗忘
have a person's name in the back of one's ~把某人的名字留在记忆里
Out of sight, out of ~. →sight
4 (C) 心 [知性] …的人, 人
a great ~伟人
No two ~s think alike.没有两个人想法相同
Great ~s think alike.(谚)贤者想法相同; 我与你意见相同
a. 意见, 想法; 意向
the popular ~民意; 人心
the public ~舆论
in my ~我以为[认为]
change one's ~改变主意, 变卦
speak [say, disclose, tell] one's ~ (坦率) 说出自己的意见[想法]
have a ~ of one's own有自己的想法
read a person's ~看出某人的心思
be of one [a] ~ < 两个以上的人> 意见一致, 有相同的看法
I am of the same ~.我的想法 (与以前) 一样; 我有相同的意见
So many men, so many ~s → so MANY.
b. 有意< 做…> , 打算, 想要
I have a [no] ~ to go for a walk.我想 [不想] 去散步
I have half a ~ to undertake the work.我有几分想接受该工作
I had a good [great] ~ to strike him.我很想揍他
give a person a piece of one's mind
对< 某人> 直言不讳 [直说] , 当面责骂< 某人> in one's mind's eye
在某人心目中, 在某人的想像中 in[of]two minds
[对…]心里起动摇, [对…]犹豫不决, [对…]三心两意[about]; [对…]犹豫不决, [对…]三心两意
He was in [of] two ~s about how to deal with the problem [whether to go, what to do].他对于如何解决该问题 [是否要去, 怎么做] 犹豫不决
know one's own mind
有自己的意见, 有定见 make up one's mind
(1) 决心
Is your ~ made up yet ?.你下决心了吗 ?
(2) 决心< 做…>
I've made up my ~ to get up earlier in the morning.我已决心早上要早起
(3) 决心, 决定[about]
Early in life, he made up his ~ (about) what he wanted to be.年轻时他就决定将来要当什么了
I couldn't make up my ~ which to choose.我不能决定该选哪一个
(4) 承认 [无法避免的事实] , 觉悟[to]
You must make up your ~ to that.你必须承认那件事
(5) 自以为[认为]
She made up her ~ that she was not going to get well.她自认自己的病不会好
on one's mind
为某人所关心 [惦记, 挂念]
He seems to have something important on his ~.他似乎在挂念著什么重要事
to one's mind
(1) 依…的想法, 某人认为
To my ~, he acted too thoughtlessly.依我看 [我认为] , 他的行为太欠考虑了
(2)(罕)合…的意 with..in mind
把…放在心上 [考虑在内] ; 考虑到…
A politician must act with his constituents in ~.政治家在采取行动时必须考虑到他的选民
1 a. 注意, 当心; 挂虑, 顾虑
M~ the step.注意梯级
M~ your step.小心脚步, 留心脚底下
M~ your head.当心你的头
M~ your backs !.请让路! 当心你背后!
M~ your own business.管你自己的事; 少管闲事
Never ~ the expense.别担心费用
b. 小心, 注意< 做…> ; 记住
M~ you don't spoil it.小心别把它弄坏了
M~ you work in the morning.记住要在早上用功
2 a. 介意 [在乎, 反对] …
I don't ~ hard work, but I do. [`du:; 'du]~ insufficient pay.我不在乎工作辛苦, 就怕薪水太少
I shouldn't ~ a drink.我不反对喝一杯
b. +doing] 介意< 做…> ; 介意< 某人做…>
Do [Would] you ~ shutting the door?.请你把门关上, 好吗 ?
I don't ~ your [you] smoking here.我不介意你在这里吸烟
c. (不) 介意…
I don't ~ which of them comes to me.我不介意他们当中哪一个来我这里
Never you ~ what we are talking about.(口语)你别管我们在谈论什么
3 照顾…, 照料, 看管
M~ the house [children] while I'm out.我不在时看好房子 [孩子们]
Would you ~ my bags for a few minutes?.请帮我看管一下袋子好吗?
4 a. 听从< 某人> 的命令
You should ~ your parents.你应该听父母的话
b. 遵守 [服从] 命令
M~ the rules.遵守规则
1 注意, 小心, 当心
Do you ~ !.你当心点!
2 介意, 挂念, 反对
Never ~ !.没关系! 不要紧! 不要介意!
" Do [Would] you ~ if I open [opened] the window?" - " No, I don't [wouldn't]." .“我开窗你会介意吗?”“不, 我不介意”
" Do you ~ if I smoke?" - " Yes, I do (~)." .“你介意我抽烟吗?”“是的, 我介意”
Don't mind me
(1) 别管我
(2) 小心点; 你太过分, 全不管我(替我想想吧) mind (you) !
听好! 你听著!
Now ~, this is my own idea.现在听好, 这是我自己的主意
He is a nice fellow, ~ you, but I can't trust him.你听好, 他是个好人, 但我不能信任他
mind out
(英)当心[…], 留意, 注意[for] never mind
(1) → v.i. 2
(2)(口语)别说是…, 更何况是…
These rules are confusing enough to members, never ~ to outsiders.这些规则足以令会员感到困惑, 更别说是对局外人了




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