

词汇 hell
释义 hell[hɛl; hel]《源自古英语“冥府”的意思》名词
1 (U)地狱
(←→ heaven)
2 (C)
a. 地狱般的地方, 苦境悲境; 魔界, 魔窟b. 赌窟, 赌场
3 (U)(俚)
What the ~ have I done with my keys?.我究竟把钥匙丢在哪里了?
(Oh, ) H~!.该死! 畜生!
Bloody ~ !.(英)畜生!
To ~ with.﹍!… 该死!…滚蛋!
Why the [in (the)] ~ don't you shut up?.你究竟为什么不闭嘴?
4 [The ~; 对对方的意见表示强烈的异议, 当副词用] (俚)绝不
" They know what they are doing." " The ~ they do." .“他们知道自己在做什么”“他们知道才有鬼”
The ~ you say!.鬼话!怎么会!
a hell of a﹍(口语)
(1) 极度…, 非常…
(2) 非常可怕的, 很糟糕的
(3) 极好的, 出类拔萃的, 出色的
take a ~ of a time极费时间
have a ~ of a time玩得很不愉快
a ~ of a (good) book出色的 (好) 书
a hell of a lot
(口语)非常, 极
I like you a ~ of a lot.我非常喜欢你
He has a ~ of a lot of money.他很有钱
come hell and [or] high water
(口语)不管发生何事 give a person hell
= give hell to a person(口语)责打 [申斥] 某人; 使某人不好受 Go to hell !
(口语)畜生! 该死! 滚蛋! 去你的! (just) for the hell of it (
(口语)只是为了好玩 hell for leather
(口语)以全速 [最快速度] , 开足马力地 go [ride] ~ for leather
以全速去 [驶去] hell to pay
(口语)很麻烦的事, 重大 [不得了] 的事
There'll be ~ to pay if you do that.如果你做那种事就不得了啦
like hell
(1) 猛烈地, 不顾死活地, 拼命地
(2)(讽刺)根本不…, 绝不…
run like ~拼命跑
" Did you go?" - " Like ~ (I did)." .“你去了吗?”“我去个鬼”
play hell with﹍(口语)
(1) 破坏, 糟蹋< 东西>
Influenza has played ~ with the school timetable.流行性感冒把学校的时间表搞得乱七八糟
(2)(英)对< 人> 大发雷霆 raise hell(俚)
(1) 引起大骚动
(2) 胡闹




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