

词汇 resolve
释义 re.solve[rɪ`zɑlv; riˈzɔlv]及物动词
1 a. < 人> 决定…, 决心…
He ~d never to go to any such places again.他决定再也不去那种地方
b. < 人> 决心…, 决定…
I ~d that nothing (should) hold me back.我决心不因任何阻碍而退缩
c. < 人> 决定…, 决心…
We must ~ what to do next.我们必须决定下一步骤该怎么办
2 a. < 议会等> 决议…
The committee ~d that the step (should) be authorized.委员会决议核准该项措施
Resolved, (=It has been ~d) that the proceedings be adjourned for a week.本会决议各事项将延期一星期讨论
b. < 议会等> 决议…
The Senate ~d to fund the project.参议院决议为该项计画编列经费 [准备基金]
3 a. 解决 < 问题、困难等>
Differences can be ~d through discussion.意见的分歧可通过讨论来解决
b. 解释, 释明 < 疑问等>
That will ~ your doubts.那会使你的怀疑冰释
4 a. 将…分解[成…][into]
~ velocity into its components把速度分解成其分力
~ a problem into simple elements把问题分拆成各单纯因素 (加以探讨)
b. (加以分解或分散等而) 将…变[成…][into]
We can ~ the problem into more elementary items.我们能够把这个问题分拆成更基本的细目
1 a. 决心, 决定 [做 [不做] …] [on, upon, against]
They ~d on [against] going back the same way.他们决定原路回去 [不循原路回去]
b. 决议 [赞成[反对]…] [on, against]
They ~d on [against] continuing the struggle.他们决定继续 [停止] 斗争
2 分解, 溶解[成…][into]
The mixture will ~ into three simple substances.这种混合物可分解成三种单纯物质
1 (C)< 做…的> 决心
He made a ~ to stop smoking.他决心戒烟
2 (U)(文语.诗)果断 (力) , 不屈不挠
a man of high ~坚毅 [果断] 的人
3 (C)(美) (议会等的) 决议




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