

词汇 carry
释义 car.ry[`kærɪ; ˈkæri]《源自拉丁文“用车运送”的意思》及物动词A
1 运送, 搬运
a. (用手或背部) 运送, 搬运 < 人、东西等>
Please ~ this trunk for me.请你替我搬这个大皮箱
I ran as fast as my legs could ~ me.我尽量快跑
This bus carries 90 passengers.这辆巴士载著九十名乘客
b. 把< 人、物等> [装载于…] 运送, 搬运, 带去[on, in]
~ a box on one's back [shoulder]把箱子 [扛] 在背 [肩] 上
~ a stick in one's hand手里拿著一根拐杖
~ a baby in one's arms怀里抱著婴儿
c. 载运< 人> , 搬运< 物等> (到某处)
~ a bag upstairs [downstairs]把皮箱搬到楼上 [楼下]
A limousine carried us to the museum.一辆小型巴士载我们到博物馆
C~ these dirty plates back to the kitchen.把这些脏盘子拿回厨房
2 a. 把 < 消息、话等> 传达[给…], 传递, 转告[to]
Helen carried the news to the class.海伦把这消息传达给班上同学
b. 传送, 传播 < 声音、疾病等>
The wind carries sounds.风传送声音
Some diseases are carried by flies.有些疾病是由苍蝇传播的
3 < 动机、时间等> 使< 人> 去[…][to]
Business carried him to Milan.他因商务去米兰
4 a. 延长, 使…扩张
The rail line was carried under the Tsugaru Strait (to Hokkaido).铁路线从 (日本的) 津轻海峡下面延伸 (至北海道)
b. 推进, 驱策; 进行 (至某种程度)
Hard work carried him to the top of his profession.勤劳使他跻身于同业中的领导地位
She carries her stinginses to excess.她吝啬得过分
You carried the joke too far.你的玩笑开得太过分了
5 a. 贯彻 < 主张> ; 使 [议会] 通过 < 动议> [through]
~ one's point说服别人赞同自己的观点; 达到目的
~ a bill through Parliament使议会通过法案
The motion to adjourn the meeting was carried by seven votes.休会的动议以七票赞成通过了
b. < 选举> 获胜; 使 < 候选人> 当选c. 得到 < 选区居民等> 的支持
6 a. 赢得; 攻陷 < 要塞等>
Our troops failed to ~ the enemy's fort.我军未能攻陷敌人的要塞
→ carry the DAY.b. […]吸引 [感动] < 听众> [with]
His acting carried the house.他的演技博得满堂的喝采
The lecturer carried his audience with him.那位演讲者引起了听众的共鸣
7 使< 数字> 往上进一位B
1 a. 把< 东西> 带 (在身上) 走, 携带< about>
She carried (about) a red leather handbag.她 (经常) 带著一个红皮包
The suspect is believed to be ~ing a gun.那个嫌疑犯被认为带有枪枝
b. 把< 东西> 带在 [身上] < about> [with]
He never carries much money (about) with him.他身边从不带很多钱
2 a. 承担 < 责任> , 处理< 问题等>
He had to ~ great responsibility [a lot of problems].他必须承担重大的责任 [处理很多的问题]
b. 忍受, 忍耐, 克服
She carried her handicap with courage.她勇敢地克服了自己 (身体 [心理] 上) 的障碍
3 a. 留住< 记忆> ; 将…留在记忆里, 记住…
~ memories留住记忆
He managed to ~ all those names in his head.他终于把这些名字全记在脑子里
b. < 女子、雌性动物> 怀孕
4 a. < 说话等> 具有 < 分量、说服力等> ; 含有< 意义>
His judgment carries great weight.他的判断非常有分量
Mr. White's voice carried great authority.怀特先生的发言颇具权威性
b. (结果) [在…]附带有…; 生< 利息> [with]
The bond carries 6 per cent interest.该债券有百分之六的利息
The crime carries a maximum 25- year sentence.该罪最高可判处二十五年的徒刑
These privileges ~ great responsibilities with them.这些特权本身附带有重大的责任
5(口语)把< 商品> 置于店头, 出售, 贩卖
This store carries clothing for men.这家店卖男装
6 < 报纸> 刊载 < 新闻、消息> ; < 电视等> 报导 < 消息>
The news was carried on the major (TV) networks.这个消息是由主要 (电视) 广播网播报的
1 支撑, 支持 < 重量>
The bridge is carried on two massive columns.这座桥由两根巨大圆柱支撑著
2 a. 使 < 头、身体等> 保持 (某种姿势)
He always carried his head high. (由于自信、自豪) 他总是把头抬得高高的
b. [~ oneself]举止, 举动 (…)
She carries herself gracefully [like a lady, with dignity].她举止优雅 [像个淑女, 端庄]
3 (口语)对…提供财力援助; 为…谋方便
My uncle carried me until my sickness was over.我叔叔资助我直到病好
4 (口语)喝< 酒> 不醉 [保持清醒]
He drank more than he could decently ~.他喝酒喝到不省人事的地步
5 a. < 农场等> 可饲养< 家畜>
This ranch will ~ a thousand head of cattle.这个农场可饲养一千头牛
b. < 土地> 生产< 农作物>
6 把 < 年龄等> 妥善地隐瞒
She carries her age very well.她一点也不显得老 [不见老]
1 a. < 声音、子弹等> 传到, 到达, 射及
My voice does not ~ well.我的声音不够响亮
b. < 声音、子弹等> 传到, 到达 (…) ; < 枪炮> 有 (…的) 射程
His voice will ~ across [to the back of] the room.他的声音可传到房间的对面 [后面]
This gun will ~ a half mile.这枝枪有半哩的射程
2 通过 < 法案等>
The law carried by a small majority.该法案以微弱的多数通过
3 < 雌性动物> 怀孕 carry all [everything] before one所向无敌, 大获全胜; 极为成功
carry away
(1) 把…运走; 冲走
The oars were carried away by the waves.桨被浪冲走了
(2) 使< 人> 陶醉 [著迷, 兴奋] , 使< 人> 冲昏头脑
The entire gathering was carried away by his fiery speech.所有的群众都被他激昂的演说感动了
Don't get carried away with your success.不要被你的成功冲昏了头
carry back
(1) → v.t. A 1 c
(2) 使< 人> 忆起, 想起 [旧事] [to]
The kitchen smells carried me back to my childhood.那间厨房的气味使我想起我的童年时代
carry forward
(1) 使< 事业等> 进展
(2)‘簿记’把 < 帐目等> 归入 (次页) , 将< 数字> 转记 carry off
(1) 强行带走, 掠去, 劫持
(2)< 疾病> 夺去 < 生命等>
Cancer carried off my mother.癌症夺走了我母亲的生命
(3) 获得 < 奖赏、荣誉等>
Dick carried off all the school prizes.狄克赢得了学校所有的奖赏
(4) [常~ it off] (口语)顺利摆脱; 成功地应付[处理] (困难的 [不利的] 事态等) carry on
(1) (尤指在中断后, 或不畏困难地) 继续
~ on a conversation继续谈话
(2) 继续< 做…>
Everyone carried on singing and dancing.大家都继续唱歌、跳舞
(3) 经营< 事业等>
He has carried on his business as a builder for many years.他经营建筑业已有多年
(4) 继续进行; 被维持
(5) 继续[…][with]
C~ on with your work.继续你的工作
(6)(口语)哭闹, 慌乱
(7)(口语)< 男女> 有暧昧关系; 调情, 沉迷于恋爱[with] to carry [to be carrying] on with
(英)眼下混得过去, 目前还可将就一下
I have enough money to ~ on with.我目前有足够的钱
carry out
完成; 实行, 执行
You should ~ out your first plan.你应该实行你最先的计画
The orders were not carried out.那些命令没有执行
~ out a funeral举行葬礼
carry over
(1) 将…[自…]延续, 遗留…[至…][from][into]
We must ~ this discussion over into tomorrow.我们必须把这个讨论留到明天继续进行
(2) =CARRY forward (2)
(3)[从…]延续[到…], 持续[from][to]
The effects of environmental pollution will ~ over to the next generation.环境污染的影响会延续至下一代
carry through
(1) 贯彻, 完成< 工作等>
You must ~ the task through to the end.你必须把这个工作完成为止
(2) 使< 人> 忍受 [度过难关, 撑到底]
Your encouragement will ~ her through.你的鼓励将会使她撑到底
1 (U) [又作 a ~] (枪炮的) 射程; (子弹等) 所能达到的距离
2 a. (U) [又作 a ~] 两条水道间的陆上搬运 [运送]
b. (C)水陆联运
3 (C)‘军’举枪 [掮枪] 的姿势




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