

词汇 fasten
释义 fas.ten[`fæsn; ˈfɑ:sn]及物动词
1 a. 把< 东西> 牢牢固定, 绑住
~ a rope把绳子固定
b. 把< 东西> 系牢[在…], 固定[于…][to]
~ a ship to the quay把船系于码头
2 绑紧皮带等; < 用钉子> 钉住…; 扣住钮扣等 < up, toge ther>
~ a glove把手套套入扣好扣子
~ upthe buttons扣好扣子
Pins are used to ~ things together.大头针被用以把东西钉在一起
Please ~ your seat belts.请系牢你的安全带
The chest was ~ed up.那口大箱子盖得很牢
3 把 < 视线等> 盯住[…][on, upon]
The child ~ed his eyes on the stranger.那个小孩目不转睛地盯著那个陌生人
4 [~ oneself]牢牢地抓住[…], 抓紧[…] [to, on, upon]
He ~ed himself to [on, upon] my arm.他牢牢地抓住我的手臂
5 把 < 罪、非难等> 加在 [某人身上] , 归< 罪> [于某人][on, upon]
He ~ed the blame on me.他归罪于我
1 < 门等> 关住; < 锁等> 锁上, 固定
This window [clasp] will not ~.这个窗子 [钩子] 关 [钩] 不紧
2 a. 牢牢地抓住[…]; 紧抓住[…], 抱住[…][on, upon]
→ v.t. 4
~ on a person's arm紧抓住某人的手臂
b. < 视线> 盯住[…][on, upon]
Her gaze ~ed on the jewels.她的眼睛盯住那些珠宝
c. 坚持 [某种想法等] [on, upon]
~ on the idea坚持那种想法
fasten down
(1) 钉住 < 箱盖等>
(2) 确定 < 意义等>
We haven't yet ~ed down the meaning of his statement.我们还没有确实弄清楚他的声明的意思
(3) 使< 人> [对…]下决心[to]
He is finally ~ed down to his work.他终于决心做他的工作




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