

词汇 touch
释义 touch[tʌtʃ; tʌtʃ]及物动词
1 (人用手等) 触, 摸, 碰
a. 触摸, 碰
Don't ~ the exhibits. (请) 勿触摸陈列品
b. 碰…, 触[with]
He ~ed it with his umbrella.他用雨伞去碰触它
c. 碰< 人> [手臂、肩膀等] [on]
She ~ed him on the arm [shoulder].她用手碰他的胳膊 [肩膀] (为引起注意等)
d. 将…靠[于…]; 使…接触[到…][to]
He ~ed his hand to his forehead.他用手摸摸前额
2 (物) 接触 [在接触]
a. 与< 物> 接触 [在接触] ; 与…邻接, 与…毗邻
Your skirt is ~ing the wet paint.你的裙子碰到了未乾的油漆
The line ~es the circle.这条线和这个圆相切 [形成切线]
b. 使…相接触, 将…互碰< together>
They ~ed their glasses together.他们互碰杯子
3 轻按[敲] < 铃、钢琴琴键等> ; 轻弹 < 琴弦>
~ a bell按 [揿] 铃
~ the keys of a piano轻弹钢琴琴键
She ~ed the strings of the harp.她轻轻地弹拨竖琴的弦
4 a. 达到, 触到
He can almost ~ the ceiling.他几乎能碰得到天花板
The speedometer needle ~ed 100 (miles per hour).速度计的指针转到 (时速) 一百哩 (刻度)
b. < 能力等> 与< 他人> 匹敌, 与…相当
No one can ~ him in comedy [as a comedian].在喜剧方面 无人及得上他
Nothing can ~ this cloth for durability.就耐久性而言, 没有任何东西能和这种布料匹敌
5 a. 碰, 吃, 喝 < 饮料、食物等>
He never ~es alcoholic drinks.他滴酒不沾
She hardly ~ed her dinner.她几乎没有碰她的晚餐
b. 搞 < 事业> , 染指< 女人> , 涉及, 插手
It isn't my business; I won't ~ it.那不关我的事, 我不干预
c. 粗暴地对待< 人>
I never ~ed my younger brothers.我从未粗暴地对待过弟弟们
d. 著手做, 处理 < 考题等>
I didn't ~ the history paper.这张历史考卷上的考题我无法著手做答
6 a. 伤害, 损坏; 影响
The frost had ~ed all the fruit.霜损坏了所有的水果
Fortunately, the exhibits were not ~ed by the fire.幸好陈列品未被火灾损毁
b. 对… (在物质上) 起作用, 使…变化
Nothing can ~ this stain.没有一样东西能除掉这个污痕
The experience doesn't seem to have ~ed him.那经验似乎对他没有产生影响
c. 使< 人> 精神错乱, 使< 人> 发狂, 在精神上伤害 [损伤] < 人>
He is a little ~ed (in the head).他的脑子有一点错乱
7 a. 感动 < 人、人心>
The scene ~ed her (heart).那场面感动了她 (的心)
It ~ed me to the quick.这件事使我深受感动
The story ~ed him deeply.那故事深深地感动了他
I was ~ed by [with] their friendship.我为他们的友谊所感动
I was (very) ~ed by her proposal.她的提议使我 (大) 受感动
b. 伤害 < 人、人的感情等>
His abuse does not ~ me.他的辱骂伤不到我 [无损于我]
Nobody should ~ his self-esteem.任何人都不该伤害他的自尊心
8 a. < 谈话、书、演讲等> 谈及, 言及, 论及; 涉及 < 主题等>
a pamphlet ~ing social reforms涉及社会改革的小册子
b. 关系到, 影响到 < 人、利害等>
The problem ~es our national interests.这问题影响到我们国家利益
9(口语)向< 人> 借[钱], 向< 人> 要 [讨] [钱][for]
My nephew ~ed me for ten dollars.我的外甥向我要了十块美元
10‘航海’< 船> 停泊于…, 停靠在…
The ship will shortly ~ port.这艘船不久将停泊港口
1 a. 触, 摸, 触摸, 碰; 接触, 相碰
Don't ~.不要触摸
Their hands ~ed.他们的手接触了
The two ships ~ed.那两艘船相碰了
b. 毗邻
The two countries ~.这两个国家相毗邻
2 简单 [稍微] 提到, 涉及, 触及[问题][on, upon]
He just ~ed on [upon] that question.他只是简单地提到那个问题
3 ‘航海’停靠[于…], 停泊[在…][at]
Cargo boats do not ~ at this port.货轮不停靠在这港口
touch down
(1)< 飞机> 著陆, 触地
(2)‘美式足球.橄榄球’使球触地而得分, 挽球 touch in
加笔于, 润色 < 画的细微部分> touch off
(1) 发射, 引爆, 引发 < 枪炮、火药等>
(2) 诱发, 触发, 引起 < 暴动等> touch up
润色, 修饰, 改进 < 画、作品等> , 修整 < 照片等>
1 (U)手 [皮肤] 摸 [接触] 时的感觉, 触 [手] 感
the sense of ~触觉
be soft [smooth] to the ~摸起来柔软 [光滑]
be hard [rough] to the ~摸起来硬 [粗糙]
2 (C)触, 接触, 触摸
feel a ~ on one's shoulder感觉有东西在肩膀上碰了一下
give a person a ~触摸某人
A bubble bursts at a ~.泡泡一触即破
3 a. (C) (绘画的) 加笔; 一笔, (笔的) 一挥
I must add a few finishing ~es to the painting.我得给这幅画作几笔最后的润饰
b. (U) [又作 a ~] ‘音乐’ (弦乐器的) 弹奏法; 触键法
4 (C)笔致, 笔法, 手腕, 手法; 艺术的技巧, 特徵, 作风, 风格, …式
a happy ~巧妙的笔法 [表现]
the ~ of a master大师的手法
The sculpture showed a bold ~.那雕刻显示大胆的手法
5(U) (精神的) 接触, 连系, 一致, 调和
→ in TOUCH (with﹍) , lose TOUCH (with﹍) , out of TOUCH (with﹍) .
6[a ~]
a. 少许, 微量, (心理上的) 味道, 意味[of]
a ~ of irony [bitterness]些许讽刺[悲伤]的味道
It wants a ~ of salt [sugar].它稍不够鹹 [甜] , 它须加一点点盐 [糖]
He has a ~ of fever.他有点发烧
b. [疾病的] 轻微的侵袭, 微恙[of]
I had a ~ of flu.我患了轻微的流行性感冒
c. 稍微, 少许
He is a ~ more sensible.他比较明理些
a.‘橄榄球’边线以外地区(边线上和边线外侧的区域)b.‘足球’边线区域(边线外侧的区域) in touch (with﹍)
(与…) 接触[一致], 同情 (…) ; (与…) 取得 [保持] 连系; 通晓 (…的) 情形, 获有 (…的) 消息
I was [got] in ~ with him.我与他保持连系
Can you put me in ~ with him?.你能使我与他取得连系吗?
We have kept in constant ~ for ten years.我们经常保持连系已有十年了
lose touch (with﹍)
(与…) 失去连系 [联络] ; (与时代等) 脱节, (对…) 变得生疏; 失去 (…的) 消息, 不明白 (…的) 情形
Scholars in their ivory towers often lose ~ with reality.象牙塔里的学者们常会与现实脱节
out of touch (with﹍)
(与…) 失去接触 [不一致] , 不同情 (…) ; (与…) 失去连系, (对…) 变得生疏, 失去 (…的) 消息; (与时代等) 脱节
For a long time I was out of ~ with her.曾有一段长时间我与她失去连系
He is out of ~.他与社会脱节




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