

词汇 while
释义 while[hwaɪl, waɪl; wail, hwail]连接词
1 a. 当…的时候, 在…当中, 与…同时
We kept watch ~ they slept.当他们睡觉时, 我们在看守
Don't phone me ~ I'm at the office.我在办公室时, 别打电话给我
W~ (he was) fighting in Germany, he was taken prisoner.他在德国作战时被俘
b. 只要… (as long as)
2 a. 虽然… (可是) , 尽管… (但是) (although)
W~ I admit that the task is difficult, I don't think that it is impossible.虽然我承认那工作很困难, 但我不认为那是不可能做的
b. 但另一方面, 然而; 同时
He likes sports, ~ I like books.他喜欢运动, 然而我喜欢看书
The book pleased the critics ~ it entertained the public.那本书使评论家欣喜, 同时 (另一方面) 也使大众感到兴趣
The wind grew more and more furious, ~ it began to rain.风力变得越来越猛烈, 同时也下起雨来
[a ~] (短暂的) 时间, 暂时
for a (short) ~短暂 [一会儿] 的时间
in a (little) ~不久, 马上
once in a ~有时, 偶尔
after a ~过了一会儿
quite a ~相当长的一段时间
all the while
(1) 一直, 始终
(2) 做…的时候, 一直
The students chattered all the ~ I was lecturing.那些学生在我讲课的时候一直喋喋不休地讲话
all this while
在这长时间内一直 between whiles
有时, 间或 make it worth a person's while
(口语)报答某人的辛劳, 给予某人适当的谢礼, 行贿 the while
在其间; 同时地 this long while = all this WHILE worth (one's [a person's] ) while→worth
闲荡著度过, 消磨< 时间> < away>
He ~d away his vacation on the beach.他在海边度过假期




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