

词汇 whether
释义 wheth.er[`hwɛðɚ, `wɛ; ˈweðə, ˈhw-]《源自古英语“两者中的任一个”的意思》连接词
1 [引导间接疑问的名词子句] 是否…, 是…抑或…
He asked ~ he could help.他问是否他能帮忙
I don't know ~ he is at home or (~ he is) at the office.我不知道他是在家还是在办公室
Tell me ~ he is at home (or not).告诉我他是否在家
I am doubtful (as to) ~ it is true.我怀疑那是否真实
The question ~ he will join us is uncertain.他是否参加的问题还没有确定
W~ it is a good plan or not is a matter for argument.那是不是个好计画, 是个值得商榷的问题
It is doubtful ~ he will recover.他能不能康复现在还难说
W~ through love or duty I don't know, but he has served us well.我不知道是出自爱还是责任感, 不管怎么说他待我们很好
I wondered ~ to go or to stay.我不知道是走好还是留下来好
I wonder ~ he will go himself or he will send his son.我不知道他要亲自去还是派他儿子去
2 不论…还是… (不管是两者中的任一情形)
~ for good or for evil不论是好是坏, 好歹
We should not support war, ~ just or unjust.不论是正义还是不正义, 我们都不该支持战争
W~ he comes or not, the result will be the same.不论他来还是不来, 结果都是一样
W~ [No matter ~] by accident or design, we met there again.不管是巧合的或是刻意安排的, 我们又在那里碰面了
W~ I walk or (~ I) drive, I'll be there on time.无论是步行或开车, 我都会准时到那里
whether or no
(1) 无论如何, 不管怎样, 总之 (in any case)
W~ or no, we had to keep the promise.无论如何, 我们必须遵守诺言
(2)(文语)= WHETHER or not whether or not
[尤指用以引导长的子句] 是否…
Tell me ~ or not I should invite him.告诉我我是否该邀请他




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