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air[ɛr, ær; ɛə]名词A1 (U) 空气fresh [foul] ~新鲜的 [污浊的] 空气go away for a change of ~ → change n.We breathe ~.我们呼吸空气2 a. [the ~]大气, 天空, 空中the birds of the ~空中的飞鸟in the open ~在户外 [野外] , 露天地Birds fiy in the ~.鸟儿在天空飞翔b. (U) (做为航空之场所的) 天空, 空中command of the ~制空权→ by AIR.c. (U)[常 the ~] (做为电波之导体的) 大气; (藉无线电[电视]的) 播送, 传播→ off the AIR.3 (C)(罕)微风a slight ~微风4 (C)(古) (简单而易记的) 曲调, 旋律sing an old ~唱一首老曲调B1 (C)外表, 样子, 风采, 态度with a sad ~悲伤地, 垂头丧气地with an ~ of triumph趾高气扬地, 得意地He has an ~ of gentility.他风度翩翩2 [~s] (尤指女人的) 装模作样, 作态~s and graces假扮高尚, 附庸风雅, 装文雅, 矫柔造作, 装腔作势, 矫饰assume [put on] ~s = give oneself ~s装模作样She gives herself aristocratic ~s.她装出一副贵族的样子■ beat the air徒劳无功, 白费力气, 扑空■ build castles in the air → castle■ by air(1) 乘飞机; 以航空邮件(2) 用无线电■ clear the air(1) 换新 [通通] (房间里等的) 空气; 净化空气(2) 消除疑虑 [误解, 芥蒂等]■ dance on air → dance v■ fan the air(棒球俚) 挥棒落空; 三振出局■ in the air(1) 在空中(2) < 气氛等> 弥漫著Something mysterious is in the ~.某种神秘的气氛弥漫著(3)< 谣言等> 传播, 流传, 散布Wild reports are ~ ..谣言到处传播(4)< 计画等> 未确定, 悬搁著Our plans are still in the ~.我们的计划未定■ in to thin air无影无踪地, 不留痕迹地■ disappear [vanish] into thin ~无影无踪地 [不留痕迹地] 消失 [消逝]■ off the air停止广播, 没有广播■ on the air广播中■ go[be]on the~在广播中■ put…on the ~广播…■ out of thin air无中生有地, 无根据地; 从某处■ appear out of thin ~从某处出现The conjurer produced a dove out of thin ~.魔术师不知是从哪儿来地变出一只野鸽子■ take the air(文语) (为了透透空气) 外出散步 [兜风]■ take the air out of a person's sails = take the wind out of a person's sails■ tread on air = walk on air■ up in the air(1) 在空中(2)(口语)非常幸福的, 兴高采烈的(3)(口语)激动的, 生气的go up in the ~激动, 勃然大怒(4)(口语)未定的, 未解决的, 渺茫的■ walk on air(口语)兴高采烈, 洋洋得意She passed the exam, and now she is walking on ~.她考试及格了, 所以现在兴高采烈形容词1 (使用) 空气的an ~ pillow气枕2 天空的, 空中的; 搭飞机的an ~ trip搭飞机的旅行an ~ accident飞机事故, 空难及物动词1 a. 将 < 衣物等> 晾晒, 晒乾The mattress needs to be ~ed.这床垫需要晒一晒b. 使< 房间> 通风~ a room让房间通风c. [~ oneself]到户外兜风, 散步2 暴露, 公开, 显示He wants to ~ his opinions.他要公开发表意见3 (美口语)‘广播.电视’播送< 节目> 不及物动词< 衣服等> 被晾晒; (被晾晒) 乾 |