

词汇 when
释义 when[hwɛn, wɛn, hwən, wən; wen, hwen]副词
1 什么时候, 何时
W~ did she get married ?.她何时结婚的 ?
W~ have you been there ? (到现在为止) 你什么时候去过那里 [你到过那里几次] ?
Ask her ~ she will come [be] back.问她什么时候会回来
I don't know ~ to go.我不知道该何时去
2 在什么时候, 在什么场合[情形]
W~ do you use the plural form ?.你在什么场合用复数形 ?
3 什么程度, 在那一点上
Tell me ~ I may stop pouring.告诉我什么时候我可以停止倒酒
Say ~. → say 成语
a. [限定用法] …的时候
It was in the days ~ motorcars were rare.那是在汽车还罕见的时代
It was the last day of December ~ he arrived home.他到家的时候是在十 二月的最后一天
There are times ~ we are dispirited.我们有无精打采的时候
b. [非限定用法; 通常前面加逗点] 那时候
Wait till eight, ~ he will be back.等到八点钟, 那时候他会回来
c. [带先行词的关系副词用法] …的时候
Monday is ~ I am busiest.星期一是我最忙碌的时候
1 a. (在) …时候, 当…时
W~ it rains, he stays at home.下雨时他留在家里
The event occurred ~ I was out on a trip.那件事发生在我出去旅行的时候
I'll tell him ~ he comes home.他回来时, 我会告诉他
W~ (he was) a boy, he was very naughty.当他是个小男孩时, 他很顽皮
b. [主要子句后面接 when 引导的附属子句时] (当…的) 时候
I was standing there lost in thought ~ I was called from behind.正当我站在那里沉思的时候, 有人从背后叫我
I had just fallen asleep ~ someone knocked at the door.当我刚刚入睡时, 有人敲门
c. 每逢…时总是 (whenever)
The kitchen's a mess ~ she bakes cakes.每逢她烤蛋糕时厨房就一团糟
d. …后马上
Stop writing ~ the bell rings.铃响后马上停止写
2 a. 假如…, 如果… (if)
I'll give it to you ~ you say 'please'.假如你说“请”, 我就把它给你
b. 既然…
How (can you) convince him ~ he will not listen ?.既然他不听, 你怎么 (能够) 说服他 ?
3 虽然…, 尽管… (though)
He works ~ he might rest.可以休息时他还是工作; 尽管可以休息, 他还是工作
hardly﹍when→ hardly scarcely﹍when→ scarcely名词
[the ~]时间, 时期 (time)
the ~ and the where of his arrest逮捕他的时间和场所
1 何时, 什么时候 (what time)
From [Since] ~.﹍ ? 从什么时候起
Until ~ are you going to stay here ?.你要在此地待到什么时候 ?
2 (文语)当时, 那时 (which time)
He came on Monday, since ~ things have been better.他星期一来, 从那时起事情已好转




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